Peace and love?

Day 1,754, 11:44 Published in Ireland Ireland by Liam Tatlock

Well, the ill-advised war against Poland is now over and, as expected, Ireland has been wiped from the map, albeit only temporarily. Hopefully, we'll see the return of our regions soon, either by war or diplomacy, which then brings to the fore the question of our region swap with eUK.

In purely game terms, the swap of Dublin and Louth for Scotland and Norn Ireland makes sense with both parties having access to resources they wouldn't normally have, but it's not as simple as that, particularly for Irish (and possibly UK) players. The real life history between Ireland and the UK makes the occupation of Dublin, in particular, unwanted and, whilst a number of eIrish citizens aren't actually Irish or have no Irish roots, many are, so is now the time to re-assess the treaty with the UK and scrap the exchange?

There's been some speculation that the war with Poland was engineered with the aim of breaking Ireland away from EDEN and, whilst declaration of hostilities with the Poles was the wrong approach, in my opinion, the question of whether EDEN is the right place for Ireland is a legitimate one.

Cards on the table, we were easily wiped by Poland, which wasn't a surprise, but it does bring two questions to mind, namely either EDEN supported us fully and were shown to be too weak to stop the juggernaut or they didn't, so why would we want to be in a union that won't fully support it's members?

To me, the time is now right to consider other options, be they one of the other alliances or even some kind of grouping with other smaller nations under a strength in numbers banner. eIreland needs a full debate on the merits of who we should ally to.