Pakistan Stands Tall

Day 4,800, 14:34 Published in Pakistan Ireland by Songtsan Gampo

I returned to the game about 4-5 year or so years ago. I have spent the majority of my time in Pakistan. Most of last year was a tremendous drag on the game and I hope for the best this year. I hope mainly that this games population rises for once, which is difficult to render, because it has been shedding people consistently before and after my return.

Pakistan has been maintaining a small but tight cadre of fighters and loyalists. As Prime Minister I am proud of this, but there is room for improvement. The game, to play as a credible power, is expensive. The token market in this game is too inflated and to gain packs via tokens is more difficult than necessary.

Pakistan has seen an expansion of its Training War regiment mid-to-late last year. This potentially means more gold income for our people, and from that gold income, more token purchasing power. I don't think that every Pakistani citizen is benefiting greatly by these Training Wars.

I have a lot of gold. I have several million dongs. We need to expand our country and so I ask you to invite old citizens back into the game. Bring in new citizens, attempt a baby boom as much as you can muster. I have tried this in the past with dismal results. But maybe you could do better than me.

Open for Pakistani citizens only: Comment below and receive 10 gold.

I hope this one time payment may invigorate your businesses and/or get you a little bit further in training ground upgrades. If you do not want the ten gold please mention that in your post. Comments after January 25th will not be counted.