Pakistan Savior Alliance

Day 1,970, 20:53 Published in Pakistan Pakistan by Abuzar Aslam5
Asalam O ALaikum

To save Pakistan We make an Alliance whose name is “Pakistan Savior Alliance” But I discuss about it little bit later first I discuss with you about our alliance’s official military unit “LASHKER”.

I request all of you to join “LASHKER” and get free q7 food and q7 weapons on complete of every daily order but there are some term and condition to join it these are.

1 : You must be a member of any one of three political party.(National
Patriots Party , Pakistan Revolutionary Front and Equilist Party)
2 : For free food and weapons you need to complete daily order.
3 : After completing daily order with in 2 hour you get your supplies.
4 : Those who don’t fight for 15 days are kick out from MU.

I request all of those member who are in “LASHKER”. but not from any one of these party to join any party other wise they can leave the MU other wise after 72 hours their membership will be remove from “LASHKER”..

We do this all for stronger Pakistan.

And now I am going to discuss with you an important information that to save Pakistan National Patriots Party,Pakistan Revolutionary Front and
The Equalist Party
join their hands.

And we do seat Adjustment in congress election as well as we try to nominated one person as our Candidate for CP.
I am very thankful to Rafay and Faris Khwaja who say lubback on my call for support.
And to include more parties in this big Alliance discussion is on the way.

And we deicide hat we give 50% seats of congress to new persons (Youth) in this game .
And we take youth on board in our country policies.We Announce our country policies just before CP elections.

History Of “LASHKER”
It is the MU formed in the time of raao and anillator is the commader when raao passes its order to hand over it to Scorpion King (Manii). I am very thankful to him that it make it our alliance official MU.
Its 2nd commander is faris khawaja and Zafthfirst as Zafthfirst is inactive from last 4 months so its original 2nd Commander is faris khawaja and its Captain is Abuzar Aslam5(My self)

Thank u all for your kind support and love

Pride Power Pakistan
Pakistan Zindabad