One Party, A Job that needs to be done!

Day 1,088, 12:36 Published in South Africa South Africa by OKayOK

As we approach the upcoming Party Presidential elections, I would like to announce my candidacy for The Progressive Party of South Africa. The party in question has been in the control of the enemy for some time and I see this as totally unacceptable. I could go into a long rhetoric about my experience and how I am the best candidate, but I will spare you the speech. The Hungarians have made it clear that they are useless at running anything and could only perform a PTO with the use of multis. They are the lowest form of player, and I’m not even sure why they even bother to play the game. Their lack of Governance in their so called colony is appalling and they should be considered a shame to even their own country. They sit behind their computer screens getting a tan from their Monitor and have forgotten what sun light is. They sit for hours formulating ways to cheat rob and destroy, but their incompetence is revolting to anyone with at least 1 honest bone it their bodies.

My qualification for the job of PP for the PPSA is a simple qualification: I am not a Hungarian PTO’er. By their example this is more than enough qualification.

So, if you want a party that is well run, led by true leader and not let by a dirty cheat, vote me for PP of the LPSA.


Mark Morcom (Not a Hun)