Old World Blues

Day 2,074, 15:37 Published in Australia Norway by Major Lee Hung
My own, personal good memories of the eWorld

The eWorld has (d)evolved a lot since I initially joined. Some changes were for the better, but some for the worse. As is human nature, we're all left missing what eRepublik used to be. We've also conveniently forgot about the things we used to complain about!

I hope this list brings back some good memories for you.

Some totally random background music to add to the nostalgia...

-When Plato was Admin, and old Plato was cool
-eRepublik Insider
-The eRepublik Forums, which were mostly used to argue between Macedonia/FYROM and Greece, over which is the legitimate name
-Citizen Orgs
-Fortress London for you eUKers
-Navy Clicks are Better (eUKers)
-Paying gold to increase your work skill, only for it to be replaced by a house...
-The citizen uprising which made Alexis Bonte himself get involved and push for change
-Q5 being the highest
-Making a profit from your companies

-Waiting the entire battle to tank on those last two minutes
-Houses, Hospitals, Defence Systems
-Romper (For good or for bad depending on which side of Croatia you were on)
-Happiness & Wellness
-Fighting just because there's a hospital (I'm sure we were all guilty of it at least once!)

-Government-run national armies
-No MUs, you had to pretend you were in one instead!
-Only having 2 arms and 1 copy of yourself, and therefore not being able to 'Work as Manager' at 130 different companies in under 5 seconds
-That 1 day you couldn't log on eRepublik meaning you couldn't get Hard Worker for 30 more days...

-Being limited to one meal a day, not one-thousand
-Incessant bugs which made everybody ragequit at least once
-The whole of Spain glitching itself gold
-eRepublik Ads
-Posting Pr0n on eRepublik Ads
-Individual Currencies
-Moving around the eWorld to collect market licenses at 5G each because you're too cheap to pay full price
-Borders being important...
-"Please Prove You're Human"

-Increased Role-play
-Poland's 80,000 player growth in a week
-eUK and eUSA being ALLIES?!?!
-Hungary being perhaps the biggest superpower in 'ancient times'

-Being Angry at V2
-Missing V2 when Plato Listened


-Overall better engagement, more involvement, better quality and more fun!

What are your best memories of eRepublik?