OKayOK for H.O.P.E Party President

Day 4,705, 09:29 Published in Belgium South Africa by OKayOK

I am running for Party President of H.O.P.E. Many people might not know me, and that's cool, just thought I would write a little on the things that I want to achieve in the party if you choose to elect me.

I will be pushing all party members to be as active as possible in the media. This is not only going to be good for the party but our eNation as a whole. People deserve to know who they are electing to the Presidency, congress or people's opinions. We are blessed with a free press, and we should use it, not only for the betterment of the Party but for the eCountry as well.

Through the activity, I hope that the party will grow. Where from you might ask? I plan on using every single Citizen Pass our congressmen have to bring in new players to grow our ranks. There will however be no quid pro quo, if a player wants to come to our country, they will not be required to join (although encouraged) the H.O.P.E Party.

Market eBeligium
I will personally donate 50g towards overseas articles promoting eBelgium as a fertile country for personal growth, an English speaking community etc....

A 4 month Plan
Helping Other People Enthusiastically is what H.O.P.E stands for. I want to place this party as the go-to for help and support for new players and those immigrating into the eCountry. Through this motto, I want to grow the party to a point where we can successfully contest congress and the presidency as a ruling party within 4 months.

Policy Development
I want to ensure that we have Policy set, a plan in place, a knowledge of the challenged that the country faces and set this all our in a Party Manifesto, developed by all members.

Vote Me, Vote for a New eBelgium
We can do better and we should. eRep is a game that requires that you put in the work to get the return. I am willing to put the work in and hope that the return will be a better country for all citizens