Oceanus: Congress

Day 688, 13:41 Published in South Africa South Africa by Oceanus

Hello South Africa!

In 16 days I will be running in Free State. Why in FS this time?
Last election I ran in Limpopo and failed despite having 12 votes. I have moved to promote a population balance between Limpopo and Free State. Regions at this point in the game, have no functions for their elected representatives to use in order to benefit them. If I had it my way, all candidates would be wildcards, the whole country voting for all congressmen in one pool.
We have a beautiful Q5 hospital in Free State, built for exactly this reason. To prevent congressionals from being skewed, and from less experienced players being able to be elected in low population regions.
I encourage all voters to view all congressmen running and vote for the one they support the most, not just the one in their region. MT's aren't that expensive, and maybe our Social Affairs Ministry under new Minister Frank Furglar could even organize a program to level the population.

Why Vote for Me?
I have been in eSouth Africa for over seven months. Working as Minister of Foreign Affairs for four of those. Representing South Africa, along with my ambassadors, across the eWorld. I've also kept an eye on SOL affairs as an advisory representative, making sure that I'm there to express South Africa's interests. I've also led many efforts to attract private investment in SA's economy, organize diamond exports, and recruit new citizens among other things.

In the past, as our country fought against Indonesia, many congressmen left their posts to fight in Resistance Wars. I stayed behind, knowing that I and others might be needed to impeach any PEACE PTO attempts on our presidency. Instead of seeking glory, I stayed behind in Limpopo to defend my home, and fulfill my congressional duty. It took a lot of restraint, but proves the level of responsibility that I attach to the job of South African congressman.
A vote for me is a vote for an active, devoted congressman.
I would be honored to serve South Africa


ALSO, check this article on SA's new wargames!


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We support the Ministry of Information Newspaper found here
