No Bridge Too Far (Seal Team 6 RAWR Story)

Day 1,742, 23:25 Published in USA USA by Jon Malcom

Who do they call?

The Marines? The Army? The mothafuc*in Special Forces?

No. The president doesn't call them.
When there is a battle needing to be won?
When hostages have been taken by terrorist?
When you need a guy to hold the laser for the bomb?

You call the Seals. The Navy Seals.

But when you absolutely need a stone cold killer, when you need someone who's felt warm blood flow on their fingers from someone's throat who do you call within the Seals?

When you need a sniper who never misses.
When you a need a demolitions expert who won't get fidgety hands when the bullets zip by. When you need a team leader who always keeps a level head. When you want a Blackhawk pilot who doesn't flinch when bullets go through the cabin killing his co-pilot.

You call Seal Team 6.

Time: 20:00
Location: Java, Indonesia
Operation Broken Spear

6 men. 1 bridge. 45 minutes.

est 25+ Indonesian guards.

It was a routine mission. Ok. No mission is ever routine.
We had out gear packed into the Indo fishing ship we had...borrowed from some fisherman.

The target was the Jembatan Surmadu bridge in Indonesia.

The top brass wanted that bastard gone, not sure why though but it was supposed to die.
All we had to do was blow up the bridge, evac through the fishing boat, scuttle the boat, and leave in the USS Minnesota (SSN-783)

From the start the mission was a failure. The Indonesian fishing boat was supposed to be empty according to a US intelligence operative. Instead it had about three fisherman on it. We rushed the boat, tied them up, and put them on the dock to be found by some passing person.
"Ok that's done." Mack Craft our team leader said as he got on the boat.
"Yeah that was unexpected." I replied.

It's like getting a handjay from a Thai hooker, when it turned out that hooker was a guy.
Yeah, that would be unexpected too.
I of course don't know about that, being the good Mormon Seal that I am.

We drove to target when things got really messed up, see what the Airforce had neglected to tell the Navy was that they were bombing the bridge. Except they didn't quite do their job right.
As our boat, we had nicknamed it Claire Littleton because it could handle a lot of men riding her and still keep going, approached the Jembatan Suramadu bridge we felt it rocking back and forth more than usual and looked at a large explosion on the bridge. That was the Predator Drone firing on the bridge.
Of course the missile they used didn't actually blow up the bridge, it just made the Indonesians aware that they were under attack.

Before that we had had the element of surprise on our side. Now we just had lots of guns on our side.
Bullets zipped by our heads as the Indonesian Navy woke up and realized they either had a group of Seals or a bunch of heavily armored fishermen who were now making their way up to the bridge.

"Fuc* this shi*" called out Sgt. Rock as a bullet ripped into Claire Littleton. He brought his out H&K MP5 and started firing on the enemy.
We finally got to the bridge as one of our guys took a hit in the arm.
"Hey you!" I turned as Disduck pointed at me "put this on the bridge."

He handed me a backpack with a duct tape label of STFU. We called it the "STFU" because when you got handed that backpack you did your job, didn't ask questions, and STFU and fought.
The backpack was heavy, I unzipped it, looked inside and noticed I was holding a small box with a green beeping light.
"When you get to the bottom of the bridge you flip this switch" he pointed to a transmitter "that gives this little badboy" he held in his hand a small trigger "permission to fuc* Indonesia's world up".
I had to admire Disduck for his choice of words and profanity. He was quite the warrior poet.

I spotted a pillbox that had been firing on us. "Cover me Edelmann!" I turned to yell at one of my brothers. He started firing and blew it away. At that point I was glad we had fit the M32 grenade launcher into the congressional budget.

Picture😛 the M32 Grenade Launcher used by that one military guy who does all the military stuff...

I ran up to a pillar on a bridge, shot an Indonesian soldier in the face, and planted the STFU on a concrete pillar.
As I turned I felt the knife go past my face, another soldier had run up behind me, I turned to stab him in the jugular as I disabled him.

"Get the hell in the boat!" One of our guys yelled.
It was then that time decided to stop for me, the man who had yelled suddenly developed a large bullet hole in his forehead and slunk down to the bottom of the boat.
It doesn't matter how much you love your friends in war. It didn't matter that he was the guy who was always cracking jokes, or the one who came to the Thanksgiving picnic and football games.
He was just dead now.
That day America had lost another warrior from some sniper on a lonely bridge out in the middle of nowhere any eAmerican cared about. I ran over to the boat as the rest of my brethren gave me cover.

Suddenly I heard the familiar sound of an A-10 doing it's strafing run over the bridge.

The GAU-8 Avenger cannon blew fire and seemed to not care about rank.
At that point he who controlled the cannon was the God of War. It damn near broke part of the bridge in half with it's cannon.

Two hours later the flash from the nuke was blinding when we were on the boat, it was until you looked away and at your shaking hands. Just two hours ago I had stabbed a man in the throat and saw one of my own take a bullet to the brain.
But I felt alive.

When do you feel alive?

I feel alive at the end of every mission.
I am a member of Seal Team 6.
There are few of us.

Damn few.