Nije uvek bilo ovako, nekad smo bili ponosni na to što jesmo

Day 1,192, 02:36 Published in Serbia Poland by Stefica

Poštovani čitaoci,

dugo me nije bilo, nekako nisam imao motiva da pišem nove članke, dok se nije desila cela ova ujdurma sa refundom i onim što se izdešavalo nakon toga. O tome bih mogao dosta da pričam, ali ipak neću. Već je dosta toga rečeno.

Ono što hoću da vam kažem, kao neko ko ovu igra dosta dugo, je da nije uvek bilo ovako. Ranija nam nije trebao refund da bi udarali za Srbiju.

Sećam se kako smo se borili za svoju zemlju, sećam se i kako smo bili slabi, ali uporni da uspemo, i zato smo sada tu gde jesmo, jedna od najjačih sila. Ali pitanje je još koliko dugo. Više niko neće da radi za minimalac u vojnoj firmi, niko neće da udari za Srbiju bez refunda.

Vi koji se tako ponašate niste ni vojska ni paravojska, vi ste obični psi rata. I ako već mora da se plati, onda je bolje dati pare nekom turčinu ili indonežanu da udara za nas, nego vama.

Evo, kao podsetnik ide reprint jednog mog starog članka iz vremena dok sam bio regrut u Orlićima. Pozdrav svim bivšim Orlićima, bez obzira da li me se sećaju iz tog vremena ili ne.

One day in life of proud serbian soldier

Dear readers, first I want to apologize for big delay in my writing. A lot of things has happened that prevented me from writing. I usually write in Serbian, but today I write in English since I have something to say to a much larger auditory.

You all probably know what happened yesterday. If you don't, better stop playing this game and do something else, since you missed one of the best moments of eWorld history. There were a "few" battles in which couple of PEACE members tried to annihilate one of the EDEN countries that has MPPs against them. And they didn't succeed now.

All EDEN press, and some defeatistic journalist in PEACE countries are crying out "Fail, fail, fail" without much thinking. But is it really fail? I don't think so.

I thought some of the previous defeats are failures, but now I don't think so anymore. What changed, one may ask. Well, I joined the army. After being solo fighter/worker/businessman for some time, I finally joined Orlici unit of eSerbian army (VeS). It is a small unit, made of beginner soldiers. It is not even regular army. We don't get much weapons. But we are team.

During the battle, one should see our chat channel. Everyone was there, sharing feelings, hope, emotions, joy, sadness, will. We exchanged guns and gifts, cheered at each hit by one of us. We were team, a true team. Although my 11 hits did less damage then one of Euphonix or some other famous tank, I was proud. I was proud of being a member of such a team. That spirit is something that holds us together.

And, guess what? This team, these Orlici unit is going to mature, and grow up. Lieutenants will become captains, captains will become colonels, and colonels will become generals. And we will still be team, members of proud eSerbian army. We will hit harder and harder, and more and more. We will make eSerbia stronger.

This night I saw that determination in each one of us. This night I saw who real heroes are. This time I decided that I will serve my country forever. This night each one of us left with a goal to do it.

That's why I don't think we failed in Slavonia. We lost a battle on the battlefield, but we fought bravely. We fought side by side with our friends, against 15 armies gathered from all around the world. And we did well. We fought bravely and lost, but we did our best.

Maybe next time, maybe even after that, we will win. We will win for sure. Not because the enemy will become weaker, but because we are stronger and stronger with each day passing.

So, don't be sad, don't blame the admins, or the army. Instead, do your best, join the army, train, work, become general, and one day, you will be the one marching through the Slavonia to the center of Zagreb and further.

Do, and the dreams will become true, don't do, and you will fail. It depends only on you.

Salute to proud eSerbian army and our allies from one proud Orlici member.

And don't forget to vote to make it international.