NEWSMAKERS: An Explosive Interview with the Ajay Bruno

Day 590, 08:38 Published in USA USA by Nick Everdale
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This is the first interview in a new segment we call Newsmakers. The Fair Dealer will interview the eRep players who shape our e-lives: the controversial politicians, famous generals, treacherous enemies and wealthy business owners who make eRepublik interesting and often explosive.

F😨 Thank you for joining us, Ajay.

Ajay: My pleasure!

F😨 You're an exceptionally controversial figure in eRepublik. You've caught the ire of prominent citizens from many parties, but have also gained a strong cult following. Why do you think people find Ajay Bruno so explosive?

Ajay: Some people just don't want to hear the cold hard truth, or hear an opinion that's different from their own. People are afraid of potential rivals. I believe that if we have a strong set of principles that we ought to be passionate about them and not be afraid to stand up for what we believe in. I believe it's this sort of quality that a Party President needs

F😨 Has Ajay Bruno the character always been this way? Were you as open and vocal about your political views when you were a new citizen?

Ajay: I think I came out firing from day one, but obviously there's a learning curve as well. One of the defining points of this game is the political intrigue and strategy which I find to be utterly fascinating.

F😨 You involved your real life in the game, and some of your detractors have used your real-world antics to criticize your character's political aims. Is the player behind Ajay Bruno anything like the character?

Ajay: The RL Ajay and the eAjay have some similarities, sure, such as our strong Conservative streaks, but at the same time many aspects of real life simply don't apply here and vice versa. What people can see though in both is that I will always stand my ground for something I believe in. It's the defining aspect of a person whether or not they will fight for what they believe.

F😨 You've been talked about on IRC, on the eU.S. Forums, and on eRepublik because of your highly controversial bid for CvP Party President. Why did you decide to pursue this office?

Ajay: We've seen some incredibly encouraging numbers in the non-partisan ASO poll. For a sitting PP to be polling in the 40's, it's definitely not a good sign for him. Our party is literally hemorrhaging members, we are down to a meager three congressional seats, and I think the members are looking for bold, fresh, new Conservative leadership.The message is clearly resonating.

F😨 Getting you to be honest isn't difficult - you're very vocal. So share with us, which eRep players do you think are doing the most to damage your public image and ambitions?

Ajay: There are a few ringleaders in all of this. At the moment I see the two biggest villains in all of this to be Claire Littleton and Mattoze5. While I have my detractors, Claire is trusted by few. I value honesty and a sense of ethical integrity. She will always put her own personal feelings ahead of what's best for eAmerica and this is a very dangerous trait.

In terms of Mattoze5, he will see that our Conservative grassroots movement is very much real and that the people will not tolerate rigged do-over primaries like the one that he has initiated.

F😨 If you could serve as President for one day and make the change you felt was most important, what would President Ajay Bruno change?

Ajay: That's a difficult question. I would assemble a cabinet of brilliant yet varied individuals who would help me to better run the daily affairs of this country. We need to lay the groundwork for real reform with the right people no matter what the stage is in order for anything of value to happen.

F😨 Our final question is perhaps the most compelling. People want to know: If you are not contesting the July 5 elections, are you willing to make an endorsement of USWP's Harrison Richardson or the united Emerick candidacy?

Ajay: Hmmm, that is indeed the question of the hour. I would urge all of my supporters to support whoever they feel has the most integrity and best vision as a candidate. In my view, both of the main contenders have not demonstrated this. So I say, may the best man win.