Need Gold Loan

Day 2,392, 11:17 Published in India Croatia by Vijayakrishna

Hi all,

I need 29 gold on loan to upgrade my T2 tc fully in next 45% off offer, as a person can not accept more than 10 gold a day, I have made article right now to request you for gold loan.

Please let me know the amount of gold you can lend, I will repay with in 30days after the tc upgrade offer ends and for every 7th day I hold your gold I will pay you 11cc as interest, so it's effectively 20% interest for 30 days, 44 cc, 1/5th of what 1 gold costs normally.

The interest payment will be calculated from day u pay me gold.

I can provide wittyprakash's wit as collateral 😛 (no offense to prakash 🙂 )

Let me know of your interest in comments.

sorry for this article being so badly made, my exams will be over tomorrow and you will have some damn good articles coming from me, over and out 🙂