Nazifieringen av Sverige

Day 162, 09:11 Published in Sweden Denmark by pho3nix

I will have to stop the articles about Denmark for a short matter of time in order to announce - as many others probably have done before me - that Sweden will go to war against Germany in the near future. This will be the second war by Sweden on a weaker country and I must say that this act of aggression makes me want to puke my guts out.

The German government has not done anything to agitate the Swedish government other than trying to protect itself against the largest nation of the world - and also it's newst neighbour.

This war of aggression will mean that Sweden in a single month has spent almost - if not more - 4000 Gold on it's warbudget in April alone. It will also mean that Sweden effectivly will increase it's current size by 100%.

I for one will not support this war. I will not become a nazi!
Even if the game is about taking over this world it should not mean that we should kick in the door of every country that attempts to defend itself. It is like Mike Tyson smacking children around. I will not have any of it!

As the leading superpower of the e-World Sweden should not mark itself as a military country. By God, it should have been us that offered the Russians and Germans an MPP! As the strongest nation of this world we have a responsability with our might. We are an example to all others, either we like it or not. For once, Sweden has a chance to show the rest of the world how we would rule the earth, and this is certainly nowhere near how Sweden would rule itself.
Soon I fear we will be someone's enemy, if not everyone's enemy.

This war is unjust, and I call upon every citizen to think hard and well before the elections tommorrow. Most of all, think for yourself!
