National Capital

Day 1,335, 08:25 Published in USA USA by portcolumbus

When I saw that the grand old state of CA is the nation's capital at this time, I kinda felt alright with that. It's a state with good population, and a key part of the nation. Florida has also served as a major national capital, and again, it held a large number of Americans who were working for companies in various services. I also would like to introduce an idea, one that might end up being more symbolic than anything else, but still an idea I hope won't go unnoticed.

I understand why the nation needs a region with lots of people to serve as the capital, and I have nothing personal or otherwise against a state like CA or FL standing as the helm of government, but I also feel that after we get stable, and this could take some time, but once we are stable, maybe considering a move back to the original and RL national capital of the District of Columbia. I don't think this would have too much of an effect, but this would also be a symbolic move towards making America the old, glorious nation we once were. I wouldn't mind asking some people, like my readers, what they feel about this. Comment below and let me know how you feel about maybe making DC the national capital again after all regions are collected and under our control.