My Thoughts on the Russian Crisis

Day 3,258, 05:07 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Sambo223

So this may get a little rant and Kara has mentioned a lot of this already. Sorry in advance...

As I'm sure most of you are aware Pacifica continues to bug us. First we got rid of the Swedes and the Yanks and in the last week Putin's puppets made a byline for us through Norway. Now a show of force like that isn't necessarily an act of war. For example, NATO is not going to declare war on Russia because the Admiral Kuznetsov and it's little floaty friends are currently sailing up the channel on Trafalgar Day.

Hey Kuznetsov (aka The Slag-heap of the Sea), we see you.

The difference here though, (apart from it being an online game, where air strikes and air battles are a thing, yet Navies are none existent) is that during Russia's little holiday into their CP messaged Kara saying that the intent of Russia was to extend their jollies into the eUK. On top of that multiple allies relayed the same information back to us and the Russians even wrote a lovely article about it, which I cba finding right now. Basically Russia declared war on us. That meant one of two things:

1) We strike first to slow down the attack and begin our campaign of boring them into submission like we did with Sweden or...

2) We sit still and let them attack us once they are done in Norway, giving Russia an easy invasion so they don't have to worry about us.

Hmmm...I think that's a easy option 1

Oh hey Peter the Great (aka Peter the Not So Great) we see you too

Now what really annoys me is how our NE, which was proposed because of Russia's action, has led them to go complaining to our allies that we're the aggressor and that we're being really mean to them. I mean I thought Russia weren't meant to be cowards. Not only that but when a meeting is called to sort the issue their government doesn't turn up and the representative refuses to answer our questions and instead proceeds to talk down to us and insult us, while crying over the situation. After a wasted hour I simply laid out the eUK situation and even that seemed difficult for him to grasp:

'We'll back down, if you sign a NAP agreeing not to invade the eUK like you set out to do' Simple right?

So what was Russia's answer?

Radio silence.

So what's my point?

I'll break it down into 5 points.

1) Russia started the war

2) Russia refused to negotiate

3) Russia has refused to stop the war

4) The Admiral Kuznetsov is a pile of sh*t

5) Your 'show of force' in the Channel is cute af

That is all.

Thanks for reading (if you could be arsed with the mess that's spewed out above) a vote and comment would be nice but meh it's your life.


This is a show of force: