My take on Chile-Australia situation.

Day 1,872, 22:43 Published in Australia Australia by scottty the NUKE

Dear eAustralia,

I would just like to explain a few things about the Chile - Australian situation we have. Also why it is wrong for some eAustralian citizens to fight against the treaty.

I'm a old player, probably the longest serving eAustralian in this game.
I've seen more then my share of wars, debates and pure stupidity..

Now I just want to show everyone a few stats.
On eDay 1871, Chile: 1715 fighters, 1,615,512,970 damage. Australia: 144 fighters, 202,485,540 damage

You can see how little amount of damage we do compared to them.
Now just to add something, eUSA; 2192 fighters, 3,534,052,980. During the last big battles against eChile, eUSA committed a lot of damage for us.
eUSA have joined sides with eChile and now ignore any battles that eChile and eAustralia have against each other

Where does that put us? Well, what "old allies" do we have left that will have any impact against eChile?
Argentina, can't even beat Chile on their own soil.
Greece, have 3 enemies against them right now.
Croatia, have their own problems and are currently sitting in Malaysia/Thailand.

Yeah yeah, you might say that none of them allies even fight for us. Then who wins the battles for us?
These people?

The eAussie shown on that list committed a lot of money towards these battles, and even more towards mercenaries to win it.
These people can't keep doing it. Their is no way.

Just reading our latest orders,
I saw a few citizens commenting some rather stupid comments

So just a few questions to you guys.. Tell me, after I spent $2,000 RL money on winning 3 states to lose them the next week.
- Why should I keep spending money to win, when we'll lose our states next week anyway?
- Why should we not just join them and have few states not at risk to losing them straight away?
- Why be so blinded by Chile's numbers?

Think about it.