Ministry of Foreign Affairs [MoFA]

Day 537, 13:58 Published in South Africa South Africa by Oceanus
Thank you Gabriel for assigning me as Minister of Foreign Affairs, and sorry to everyone for taking five days to get my act together. Real life has been calling. But now! The time for having affairs with foreigners has come.

Ambassador Recruitment
I will be implementing a new sort of system in which ambassadors apply with this form.

eRepublik Age:
Previous Ambassador Posts Hel😛
Foreign Language Abilities:
Country Assignment Preference:
List Other Experience I Should Know (keep it short):

Apply to the Ambassador Corp today! Send your applications to Oceanus!

This is somewhat different from previous systems in which a list of available posts was published and then picked from by potential candidates. This form will allow me to know a bit more information about each candidate before assigning them. Your "Country Assignment Preference" goes a long way towards deciding which nation you are posted in, but the choice is mine. I will be fair in my decisions while attempting to put those most qualified or energetic in those countries we need the strongest ties with.

Requirements For Being an Ambassador
There are NO requirements other than you being an active citizen. No matter how new you are to the game you SHOULD apply, this could be a great opportunity and your gateway into involvement in South Africa's politics. Now now, for the rest of you, don't start trembling in fear at the thought of our youngest players representing us internationally. Those ambassadors that are new will not be placed in hot zones like Spain or Poland, and especially not Brazil or Indonesia, but they will be given a chance to make a name for themselves in other significant nations such as Venezuela, Argentina, Mexico, South Korea, Japan, even Singapore!
I'd like to tell you a story of a young level five citizen named Koror *cough*. Back in December under the Foreign Affairs Minister Taylor Ressurected, young Koror was assigned ambassador to Argentina. Taylor's decision to appoint such young players was very controversial, but I, er I mean Koror drew the Argentinian and South African communities closer together while also initiating a Grain for Diamonds deal (yes I know it sort of failed, but it was worth the try). Young players should not be ruled out. As long a you have enthusiasm and character you are fit for the job. Being a high level player shows commitment to the game, and high level players will be the ones in high profile ambassador jobs, but what I judge people on most is personality and composure.

*Disclamer. I am not comparing myself in this last paragraph to Taylor, I promise my reign as MoFA will not be nearly so scandalous 😉 *

The New Face of Foreign Affairs
Ambassadors under me will be like none we have had before. No longer will you get away with simply making a thread in a foreign forum saying "South African Embassy" and "Hey". The new ambassadors will be agents who investigate and learn about their assigned nation, using their intuition to find relations beneficial to eSA. They should be contacting officials as well as surveying and getting to know the general population. By using a relaxed and friendly, yet respectful tone they will facilitate the flow of information rather than the common copy paste messages that do not allow any sort of relationship to form. They will be active on their country's forums, news articles, and aware of their assignment's history. One big thing to keep in mind is that the best way to benefit South Africa through foreign relations is to simply contact and make a relationship with others, and then follow through with any deals proposed. Take the initiative.

This sort of ambassador work is much more time consuming (but much more fruitful) than the old way of doing things. Therefore, ambassadors will be reassigned as soon as their usefulness in a country has run out. If you find yourself in a diplomatic dead end part of the eWorld then contact me and I'll have you moved. I don't want to waste anyone's time in a nation that is of no use to us.
For example: Iran, after brief investigation/contact we will most likely want to move on. Language barrier (unless we can talk some of our shady Iranian immigrants into working for MoFA, we have no one that speaks Farsi), Iran's strong PEACE affiliation, and some other things probably make it a dead end effort. Though we won't pass over anyone without first trying.

Thats all for now! Subscribe to The Sounding Sea to stay updated on MoFA!

Think of all the exciting possibilities, the opportunity to meet interesting citizens from all around the world. Apply to be an ambassador today! Haha, just do it now.


*EDIT: Returning ambassadors need to check in and re apply for their positions using the above form, you will most likely get your job back, but until you do this you are not a South African Ambassador.*