Minister of Education July

Day 5,710, 13:21 Published in Japan Ireland by Songtsan Gampo

First steps in eRepublik?

Fat chance, hahahaha, most likely you are just stopping in to die again. Rinse repeat. But let's say you actually clicked an ad or referral link buried in the scum of the interwebs...

First steps!

Pew Pew Pew. Hit in any battle and complete some of the missions. Level up, rank up a little in non-air battles. Use the lower quality weapons that the missions give you and make Tokyo, Kanto your base of residence. You will soon see one of the many pop-ups asking you to buy. The first one should be the "Starter Pack", it is economical and cheap and gives you bronze level loyalty level from a 5 euro purchase (I think it takes 200 euros to reach it normally). But I strongly recommend not buying into this game.

Second steps!

You already joined a Military Unit as its like hard coded that you need to be a tough guy for some reason. So if you fight and kill 25 enemies on the battlefield each day for 7 days you might be able to get JUDO Program rewards. What do you do with 10,000 Yen? Buy q1 houses and work twice as much. I probably forgot something in the mix but the game is a drag. Oh yeah upgrade your training grounds (The First and Second one) to Q4 and train for profit... then save up to get all up to Q4 than save up more gold to purchase a 50 gold training contract monthly... ugh.

Third steps!

Newspapers cost 2 gold. Three or four mission require them for some reason and will not go away unless you spend 2 gold and write 3-4 articles etc.

Final steps!

Wither in pain with the rest of us. ENJOY!!!


Your Minister of Education

PS: I am not writing anymore education articles this month.