Michigan March 2010, Hell Yeah!

Day 851, 21:48 Published in USA USA by Blazix
Edit: Looks like I am running in Michigan instead of Hawaii 😉

People of Emericka,
Emericka needs good congressmen who can actually do what they are supposed to do. I am here today to share my opinions on current conflicts/matters so you can decide whether you should vote for me or not. I am running in Michigan under the USWP banner. First let's talk about experience:

~ PA to the CoS in the current (March) cabinet
~ Member of the eUS Welcoming Committee
~ Moderator in the eUS Official Forums
~ Currently Airborne Soldier
~ Former PCO and PXO in eUSMI
~ Former CoS for the eDemocrats + Council of Elders
~ Other classified government projects

That's about it. Some of my views on current/general topics:

RAWRR! I do not want to make a false promise by saying I will vote against all tax increases. I'm in favor of increasing taxes if we have government programs that need funding but we don't have enough money to do so. I am not an economic dude so I will stick with what the experts say is best and throw out some concerns/suggestions to them if I have any.

Congress does not play a major part in foreign relations except voting on some MPPs; that does not mean we have no opinions on it. There are fights in every friendship, but it should not be taken easily. There has been numerous similar incidents before in EDEN, but every time it happens, it strengthens EDEN even more. Phoenix tries to take advantage of every single negative event that happens in EDEN; they even asked Canada out. O.o

More of these will boost ranks up and it is cheap to do it right now. Moar, Moar MOARRR!

Sometimes things needs to be kept out of reach of spies who call themselves ordinary citizens; nuff' said. Please do not try to spoil it.

Other Stuff
No moar hospitals right now (Qn). Militias are p cool, giving trusted ones some information about upcoming missions is a very good idea.

If you want to vote move for me, feel free to message me to request tickets!