Media is Dead, Diamonds are Trash, and Kittens Are Overrated!

Day 1,667, 15:09 Published in USA USA by Jon Malcom
Media is Dead

It's been dead for a long time. Gone are the days of a good media story actually achieving good votes and gaining the guy subs.
It's sad just to get you to see my articles I have to buy votes, it's sad when people like Rizon are getting over a thousand votes on some article that back in the day would maybe get a 100-150. I'm sick of this crap.

Why aren't you? I used to be funny because I could match an article with it's seriousness and parody it. How can I be funny when it's so hard to get visibility?
Why aren't you sick of this crap? We have many foreigners who now write but we have lost most of the great writers in America? What happened to Phoenix Quinn or Sir Gulden Draak? Where is Emerick?

Diamonds are Trash

Diamonds represent money. It used to be hard to get ten thousand dollars in this game, not anymore. Now it's easy. If this was the real world you'd have to work hard to get money now days you can simply buy a few companies, kiss some butt, and do some deals and you're rolling in the money.
I remember when one company cost twenty gold to have. I worked from $50 to save $1,000 and twenty gold.

I'm sick of the way money is handled in this game. Aren't you? Maybe we need a president, congress member, or just a concerned citizen to stand up and say we want our old game back.

I have no problem with being rich, I just dislike how you get a free company and how everything is so freakin cheap these days.

Kittens Are Overrated

They are. Like all the stupid pictures that people throw up on their paper it reminds me of just that, a lot of throw up. Put something of meaning, put your favorite band, or a superhero. Why is it always boobs, cats, or Ronald Reagan? Well that last one was for Ajay I suppose.
If it's going to be a woman put someone sexy up there.

-In Memory of Athanaric