MDP Announcement

Day 1,145, 16:44 Published in Canada Canada by Rylde

On behalf of the Military Dictatorship Party I'd like to make an important announcement. As the party grows and moves forward we would like to distance ourselves and all together cut off like a puss filled sore all relations with the Norse Party.

This came quickly to a head as a party decision with its active members as this congress thread came to our attention.

Is basically just the CP and the other members of the Norse party requesting Rolo be forgiven and be given congress forum rights without paying restitution of stolen Canadian funds. The rest is just most of congress laughing them off.

This is of course old news in terms of the theft and all that crap. But like I said as the MDP moves forward we don't wish to associate or be seen to support a blatant eCanadian thief or the ones who would wish to promote him in a positive light. Until such time that the debt is paid.

This will of course means that the MDP has no top 5 party to run its candidates. Were fine with that as we believe this to be a right move for the party. To bad I hate the DAL and UN so much lol.

The MDP are pro war and military patriots and wish to be taken seriously as such. To be honest I couldn't take it anymore as I had lost all respect for Rolo upon hearing of his crime and having to play nice just to have a party run our guys. Was making me sick like a bad hangover acting like I supported there actions of late.

Anyways think with your gun and not your head. I'll be running for PP of the MDP this up coming election. Support me or don't I care not cause its happening.

Now we have no friends lmao