Mass Revolts In Germany While the U.K. Invades Denmark

Day 794, 15:14 Published in USA USA by Desertfalcon

Germany is back on the map after a wave of resistance wars swept across Polish held Germany. Poland was able to suppress most of the resistance wars however; Germany was able to pull out wins in Bavaria and Saarland. The effectiveness of the German resistance war strategy is debatable, while they were able to spread the Poles thin and focus on just a few regions in the end the cost to start the resistance wars wasn’t cheap. With more Germans moving from Polish held regions to Bavaria and Saarland it will become increasingly difficult for Germany to resistance war back their regions.

Germany is already preparing for a possible re invasion by Poland. The German congress is currently trying to pass a MPP with Hungary to provide them with a little protection from Poland. More MPPs will likely come in the following days, which will put Poland in a pickle. Despite Germany being weakened on the resistance war front they now pose a new threat to Poland, working as a blocker. If a war were to break out between Poland and Germany the Germans would be able to attack their old regions without activating the Polish MPPs but the Poles wouldn’t be able to attack Germany without activating a growing list of MPPs. While Poland overcame the German MPPs just a couple of weeks ago, Germany appears more organized and ready to fight this time around.

This could put the siege of the U.K. into jeopardy. This past week EDEN has been keeping the U.K. from launching any new attacks by having Poland and Sweden take turns attacking. This was meant to keep the U.K. from blocking Spain so that the Spanish could finish off the French and then, without them or the Germans to worry about, EDEN could launch a mass invasion of Britain. With Germany back on the map and France still holding out this may be a bit harder to accomplish then previously thought. Right now Poland is the only one out in Europe with the initiative against Britain and that may not last long.

To make things even more difficult for EDEN is the fact that the U.K. has broken free from the blocking attacks and attacked Swedish held regions in Denmark and Spanish held regions in France. The British have a significant advantage since they have their MPPs activated from when Sweden attacked but Sweden has no MPPs of their own since the U.K. has yet to attack their original regions. In their war against Spain neither side has MPPs. So far the U.K. has been playing in smart in that they haven't been attacking the original regions of other countries to activate MPPs and the one country that does have MPPs to use in an invasion (the U.S.) doesn't seem ready to invade. This could be the week though so who knows.