Mann551 for congress in the Yukon

Day 1,492, 04:59 Published in Canada Canada by Mann551

I find congress platforms quite intriguing, in the way that, no matter what people promise, it is hard to fulfill those promises. The most one can promise and fulfill is that they will be active. When I was in my first term for congress, I went onto the eCanada forums every day, I read all the discussions, I voted on all the votes put up on the forum and as well as all the votes on erepublik, and when I had something to say I said it.

It may not have seemed like I said very much but I like to do everything based on this saying, “if there is nothing positive or constructive to say, or nothing to add to a discussion or idea, then there is no use in saying anything.” That said, I will try and figure out creative and constructive ways to keep congress involved in all discussions, and I will add things to the discussions as they come up. Having served one term, I would like another chance to learn from my mistakes, and improve on my successes. So, remember, on December 25th , go to (insert province here), click the MOO logo and then click the vote button next to Mann551.

Mann551 for congress, under the MOO logo, in Yukon!!