Living in eIndia – Intermezzo 1

Day 3,082, 08:32 Published in India India by Patanjali
Oṃ bhūr bhuvaḥ svaḥ

Until 6 June, when first stage of the eIndia project will give us he’s fruits, I plan to write some other articles of different topics regarding eIndia, so I (mainly, and you too, if possible) could became more aware of the real situation.

If in RL India life is cheap and one could live nice with 100 USD/month, here things are a little different.
Minimum price for a (street) bread is 0,09 INR. That’s a Q1 quality, the lowest, and give you 2 points of energy.
If you want to feast with a Q7 food (sea fruits included), you should pay about 1,5 INR (for the 20 energy points).

Weapons is another animal, altogether.
Q1 weapons are at the price of 0,08 INR, and could be used once and produce 20 points of destruction.
Q7 weapons cost 16 INR and could be used 10 times with 200 points destruction.

Now, life could be cheap if you earn enough, even in Switzerland 😃.
Best payment in eIndia is 32 INR, on the workforce market.
So, this is the greatest income that a newcomer, who did not own any companies, could earn.
About that, I’m not sure if a newcomer now, get a Q1 food raw and food company, and a weapons raw Q1 and weapons company ? Once everybody get them free.

Ok, and what will be the cost of the day ?
Well, working and training will cost you 10 energy for each action. Working where you are employees cost 10 energy, working in your companies will cost you another 10 energy for each company. Training is the same.
So, minimum consumption of energy is 20. Best price / quantity could vary on market, but let’s say you buy a Q7 food to cover this loss of energy = 1,5 INR .

You will be willing to fight too (for nation and country). This will cost you another 10 energy points for each hit.
At Level 1 you could do 10 hits a day and this is 100 energy = anther 5 Q7 food = 7,5 INR.
To fight you need weapons. And you could fight only 10 times/hits a day.
So, you could buy 10 Q1 weapons = 0,8 INR, and those will inflict 200 damage points.

If you want to be cool, you will buy higher Q weapons, to deal more damage.
One Q7 weapon will let you hit 10 times, exactly how much you could afford each day, but this will cost you 16 INR

Unfortunately, at this level you could not recover anything from medals and such, and have to rely on the bonus that game give you for working (working medals) and training (training medals).
In time, this gold could help you (even if you do not spend RL money in this game) to own your companies and increase your incomes / profits, or to increase your damage / military power.

Now, at the end of the day, you earned 32 INR for your work and spend, according your chose (Q1 or Q7 weapons) – Q1 = 1,5 + 0,8 = 2,3 INR; Q7 = 1,5 + 16 = 17,5 INR.
Net income could be 29,7 INR or 14,5 INR.
Now this is not a fortune and you have to work many days in a row to became … not rich, but medium citizen.

Not a very appealing perspective for a young human, especially in a game, when things should be fast.

And what about social justice ?
Those who hired you, those Nawaab that hired you, sure they gain a fortune on your efforts, right?
Not exactly. They won something on that too, but not too much.
They will, eventually, complete them incomes from public acquisitions delivering weapons and/or food to government, Military Units and so on.

That for, even from the very first says of eIndia emerged the idea of communes.
Back then players put together them workforce and money to form companies and to share benefits.

It turn out that this kind of joining also, could be diverted to the benefits of some, but not all the citizens.
Furthermore, we are in Kali yug, so each one try to improve himselfs.

Hopefully some of you will correct me if I’m wrong and improve the statements and assumptions from this text

Waiting for your opinions and debate ...

Meri shubhkaamanaaye aapke saath hai !