Little about TO

Day 1,334, 06:45 Published in Spain Ukraine by Vasyl33

As you know, the elections for president of the party took place yesterday.
I managed to capture the party El Enclave and now I want to say a few words about this event.

First of all, I want to say that this party was chosen, because I think that it’s no longer needed.
Secondly, I changed the name and avatars only for 1 day to comfort my ego))
If you give me your avatar, I will change it tomorrow.
Thirdly, I want to tell you why I decided to participate in the elections:
- I want to achieve cooperation among Ukraine and Spain and made TO to create the party which could join Ukrainians and their supporters
- I want to declare party with pro EDEN views
Then I would be able to realize my goals because now I don't have any political influence and I'm not known in Spain.
I believe that you will understand me, even though my English is not perfect.
So if you want to communicate with me, I'll be online at 10-11 hour erep time and be able to talk to you more.

Why do I think that we need cooperation?
Firstly, the game is changing every day and you never know what waits for you tomorrow.
As for the military module: ONE has already won this war. Well, of course, it can continue to cut down the last region that takes a lot of time... But it will not bring satisfaction for the most of the players.
I think that it's necessary to change the military-political unions.
Therefore, I urge to join our party.
I believe that my idea will be supported by a part of the Spanish people.

Thank you for attention.
Best regards, Vasyl33