Like A Boss Winners: and an apology to Malbekh

Day 2,111, 13:45 Published in Ireland Ireland by Releasethe Krakken

As you know Malbekh was promised a second Like A Douche victory. In fact I am sorry Malbekh for not handing out the award to you last week.

Indeed then Malbekh is our Like A Douche winner of last week: Reason is many many many douche comments and a genuine attempt to troll Kurgan to death even though Kurgan was ignoring him like a boss because thats what a previous like a boss winner do if confronted by little nobody douches.

Our Winner of the Like a Douche Competition was a close tie between Ian A Arbuckle and our eventual winner but we felt that buckleys constant you such a bad troll comments was not worthy. No Buble you have to up the ante a bit. Not everyone can be Like A Douche winners. You really have to earn it: And our winner really di😛 IAN A COLEMAN. Mainstay kunt himself for years Ian returned eventually to his former party and lied to one of its old members of yesteryear krakken by saying "We do not endorse any candidates in a CP election.. Ian flipped 180% on his words like a Douche and now admitted that in fact he himself is endorsed. Furthermore like a douche they backed Sweet Drinker in several of his campaigns. Nice lie'ing son but you truly deserve the like A DOUCHE AWARD! And no your not worthy of seanan a MU Commander so stop threatening me douche. Both of them get a toilet seat but as a added extra to compensate for the wait Malbekh receives the dirtiest toilet in the dirtiest club in Scotland(Trainspotting) and its contents.

Anyway some music for the winners of this competition:

Born slippy


Lust for life

Mile End



Before Anthony Colby breaks into palpitations of happyness because of "Jethro Tull (1674 – 21 February 1741) was an English agricultural pioneer from Berkshire who helped bring about the British Agricultural Revolution." Yes this if where the name came from but I am referring to the band carrying the same name.


Of course Jethro Tull is english but like Like a Boss Winners they didt get downtrodden by their heritage and rose to the top with LIKE A BOSS music.


In the early years Ian Anderson felt that he would never equal future candidate for like a boss winner( Eric Clapton) on the electric guitar he changed to flute and the rest is history like a boss after 6 months practising on his new instruments and saying Like A boss I picked up playing the instrument in clubs. There is some confusement whether he picked up a flute in a club or whether he picked up his gift for playing it in a club. Anyway like a boss they released a new album with him on the flute.


The rest is history and like a boss after 60 million album sales they still go out each night or maybe every 5th or so night or maybe once a month and play their music like a boss. Also a lesson can be learned by future and past winners of the like a douche competition: A douche rest on his laurels a boss picks up a flute and become one of the best flute players forever. Put a douche in the same spot and he would have said ahh i will never be as good as clapton placed some whiny troll article in a magazine get repeatedly PWNED by Boss Clapton and then quit like the whiny bitch he is.


Here is a list of tracks:

Ok onto the Like a Boss winner:

This goes to Inca1982 who said LIKE A BOSS!!!!:


inca1982 "put the tax back to 1% and keep the econermy going. who ever hurd of being taxed on the spuds you grow in your back garden? if that happened in the real world you would shoot the CP."

Yes and your prize is 5 Q7 WEPS to go shoot the CP at your leisure.



Mother Goose


Songs from the wood

Living in the past

Hymn 43

Song for Jeffery
Maybe close to bluegrass/blues not certain.


Quizz Kid

The Whistler

Wondering Aloud

My God

Aqualung was my favorite and we used to listen this LP to death when I was younger... so here is another one:

Locomotive Breath

and finally ...

Thick as a brick

Changing the beat a bit:

Rolling Stones- Exile on Main Street- Loving Cup

Rolling Stones- Exile on Main Street - Sweet Virginia