Last Stand for America

Day 1,318, 19:25 Published in USA USA by portcolumbus

It appears the nation is down to it's final stand, the last fight is upon us ladies and gentlemen. We have lost almost everything, and though the end may seem near, there is always a slither of hope left to be taken a hold of. I urge all Americans to move to Hawaii and prepare for the final stand that is to come. Someone will attack that final region, and we must all be there ready to defend it, not having to move once the battle starts. I plan to check the inventory, make sure my companies are secure, and then I will move on out myself. I have dreaded the thought of us coming down to one single piece of land that will decide the fate of the eUS. If we hold Hawaii, and make a perfect stand there, then we will be able to try and take resistance forces back west to states like California and Washington. It's going to be a battle to get the nation back, but this next war to begin in Hawaii will decide if we get the chance to come back with the offensive.

Never give up on the US, and always remember that we have survived such situations before. We got out with just a few regions back in 09' and saved the nation, so I implore you all, regardless of wellness and wealth to continue the fight. It has been a long, hard pull towards this here battle, but now that it comes down to it, let's not hold anything back. All week, as I watched the number of regions dwindle, I kept my head held high and my spirits up because I wanted to assure my readers in confidence. I don't think many people read this paper, and I don't devote enough time to writing it, but now that I am writing it, and at such a critical time in the nation's history, I hope that we are all able to move forward as a nation, as people fighting for the cause that means the most to them.

America is a nation of strength, but one of compassion as well. We are both a mother and father to our people, and to the people who come here for a better life. Always, when in doubt, look to the illustrious past that we have shaped with the world. We need to protect that, defend that honor. History won't forget us, because we will fight to be remembered. People around this world look to us as people to overcome and take back this nation. Let's meet their concerns, their desire, and make this nation OURS again. It's a time for choosing my fellow Americans, a time for choosing whether we like living in a foreign nation, or do we like to live in America, the nation of our birth in-game, and the nation that gives us so much freedom, and motivates us to serve with dignity, honor, and valor.

Ladies and gentlemen, I am sick of living in this nation I call Spain. I'm sick of Poland, and I'm damn tired of Hungary. Let's win back America, I'm in, but the question today is, are you in? If you are, then let's get to Hawaii by log out time tonight, and wait for the enemy. If you want to give up on America, you're better off with the Poles and Spaniards, because we have no place for you here in America. If the nation's commander-in-chief reads this somehow, I hope he could use this motivation to gather his men, like I am trying to gather my readers. God Bless the United States of America.

Music to the Moo😛