Kitty's Editing Box

Day 1,707, 23:01 Published in USA USA by MazzyCat


Kitty here! As you might have heard Tyler B has selected me to be his VP. Now at first I was rather dubious to taking it on again. I really do believe that new people need be brought into the executive on a regular bases. Then Tyler sat me down and we had a long talk. He told me his plans. His ideas. Frankly.. I was rather impressed. He even changed my mind. (And if you know me.. you know that changing my mind is not an easy task!)

Whoa! Hold up.. Stop everything. Something just happened. Greeling DENIED ME A DANCE OFF! Those are figthing words Mr.

Oh yea... It’s on man.

I can’t be having this. No Dance Off? WHAT ABOUT THE FUN!? eRep is a game afterall.. shouldn’t we have some fun too? And what is more fun than a kitty vs greeling dance off? Well - you see. I actually have an answer for that. Kitties... Lots of Kitties. And some puppies. Cause I’m not a speciesist. And maybe some zebras. Perhaps a duck. I shall woo you with cuteness.

Baby. Wolverine.


2 for 1

Hale as a baby.

Um.. ok.. yea. I MIGHT have gotten carried away with the cute! But that leads me to my point. What do I want to do as VP? It’s simple. It is a well known fact that I am huge on eBabies. They are the foundation we build upon. No matter who you are in this game. You were an eBaby once. (Yes.. even you!) We currently have a surge of eBabies coming into the eUS. We need to keep them. We need to entertain them. We need to give them a reason for being here. And with that...

Mazzy Cat for VP! Cause.. only a kitty can do kitty magicks.


Kitty Out!