Day 1,182, 11:21 Published in Greece Serbia by thando

A peace treaty, most of the times, it is not good enough for the winner, and it is not bad enough for the looser. Taking that into account, Greece could have succeed better terms & Turkey could have been penalized with even worse.

That means, in short term, that all parts should accept the treaty, either they like it or not.
That is what gives honor to the gamers words and make him a trustworthy partner, ally, friend or opponent at the end of the day.

I call all Greeks and Turks to respect that treaty, as it has bring an end to an enormous War, with the minimum loses for both parts.

Our neighbors should take into account that they are already in the target of the most countries of erepublik community, due to many temp banned members for system exploit and the second chance been given by the erepublik administrators.

If they will not honor the treaty, all they will succeed, will be to disgraced in front of the eyes of all gamers around erep. Who will take seriously, leaders or groups of gamers who are not able to keep their word. Who will accept such a group as an ally? who will take them into account in a global strategic plan, if they never keep their promises...?

Dear neighbors, take that treaty as your last chance to rebuilt your seriously damaged dignity,

Respect the terms.

Y.Γ Μην δινεται σημασια στο σκοπιανο τρολ, τρωει συνεχως report για spamming καποια στιγμη θα το δουν αυτοι που πρέπει. Ελπίζω να κανουνε και την καταλληλη ερευνα για πολλαπλους λογαριασμους.