Jon Malcom Leaves Erepublik.

Day 1,672, 08:58 Published in USA USA by Jon Malcom

Yeah it had to finally happen dear readers.

I sat in my church alone recently, it was at night, my best friend had left and for a few minutes I had silence.
I wondered about all the things I had done that week, all the time I had spent for good and all the time spent on Erepublik and I had to admit...I sucked.

Truth is when I started I was vibrant, new, and ready to go. I've lived a long e-life. I have seen them come and I've seen them go. I've helped defeat empires and watched mine get defeated.
I was in the Bastards of Liberty's chatroom on IRC (#BoL) and I was asked by a good friend why I said they don't really know me.
I told that friend that most of my friends were all dead now, they either get banned or they die from old age. Those newbs in there have no clue on what I know and they don't much care. It's fine though because time marches on irregardless of how I feel.
I've almost quit quite a few times but stopped myself. I then asked myself last night "Why don't I learn guitar?" "Why don't I read more?" "Why am I burning so much life into this stupid little game?"

I couldn't answer that.

I believe it's time for me to go now, I feel the pull of it all, and I feel the newness of all of you.
I feel the memories of shouting down Gen. Cartman Lee, I feel the pure sex of Bia Pandora's voice, I know the taste of joking with people on erepublik PM's. I can hear myself laughing at your comments as I wrote some pointless little humor article, I can remember myself scowling as someone would troll me. I feel it was just yesterday I joined Erepublik.

It has taught me to lead, to flirt, to think, to learn different cultures, to fight, to surrender, and many more things. It has taught me of friendship, of war, of racism, of evil, of humor, and so much more.

Honestly I'm going to miss you all.
Write your own papers, make your own millions, run for president, and do well. If you or America ever needs me those who know my email can send me something or you can PM me ingame though I won't promise anything.

I tried my best with my 8th grade education to entertain you with words, I tried hard to make radio fun for you, and in the end I ask nothing in return. Honestly don't vote or sub if you don't want to.
That's unrequited love and I'm proud to have it.

Now don't get all depressed on me, I'll try to stop in from time to time to say hi but you know I'm just saying that, you know once I get on the proverbial train I'll start to cry as I leave behind The New World, I'll look to my right out of the window and hopefully see a new player being given directions. I won't see any of you of course because I just dropped this in your laps, I don't want to see you. I want to remember you for the good times we had. Remember me for the laughs, for the shouts that we shared, for me picking on important people, remember that I wasn't a great politician or soldier yet I never said I could lie very well or fight very great.
Remember me like you would look at someone in a picture.
I'll remember you in my heart.

I love you.

-Jon Malcom
Arlington TX

PS: You'll see an occasional article from me if I feel up to it but don't hold your breath.