Jon Malcom Is Not Leaving/RL Pics Included

Day 1,674, 20:20 Published in USA USA by Jon Malcom

First off let me apologize for freaking some of you out.
Second let me apologize if I mislead some of you. I really did think I was leaving.
Third I was about to leave Erepublik when I asked Israel Stevens if there was anything in the media I could do. If there wasn't anything then why stay at all? He said I could be the editor of the Pony Express.
So I said I would give him until Friday at least to make a decision. I contacted quite a few of my close friends.

Dumb Emma to Leroy Combs and Cstarlight21,Phoenix Quinn, Vanek26, Shermain, Gnilraps, Miss Wolf, Bia Pandora, Cyber Witch, Richard Nixon II, Dirty Scarlet Silverbeard, Cleveland Fleman, Rick von Ruger, Synesi, Oblige, Thedillpickl, Chutley, Cody Caine, Mazzyllene,and Molly Emma. If you didn't make the list don't worry I still love you.
Their support has been unanimous.
Just one that stuck out to me.

Synesi: When Jon writes, people read. This is fact.
Even if you choose to leave after this, leave them yet another reason to remember your name.
Turn the ponies into mustangs.

So there you have it. I'll give myself one month to turn the ponies into Mustangs. I'll try to be funny, try to be cool, and try to entertain.
I was going to throw up a pic of Kate Upton but instead I threw this picture of myself.

It's possible I may have had a stroke? Not sure or maybe I just have that one sided smile?

I also realize some things. It's not Erepublik's fault for me having problems in my life. That's like you blaming your car for running a red light. It's my fault for not managing my time properly.