Jobs, Jobs, Jobs

Day 965, 17:02 Published in Israel USA by The Libertine

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Hey everyone,

Many people have been asking me about the job situation. The market has been awfully tough lately, and often there haven't been any jobs available.

So, I've set up two training companies to try to help with this. If you go to the job market it will be easy to see which ones are mine 😉 [AS OF NOW, the defense company doesn't have any stone. Join the bread co!]

Three VERY IMPORTANT things:

1) I can only offer minimum wage right now, no matter what level you are. These are training companies, and they are meant to provide jobs and as many jobs as possible.

2) If you are financially secure, but simply need a job: PLEASE only work a few hours a day (1-4 hours, preferably 1). This will save grain/stone, so that more new players will be able to work.

3) If you would like to help out with this effort financially, please donate NIS to SeeRoy Inc ( All money will do directly into the companies to buy RMs and pay wages.

I hope everyone is able to find employment now. Please contact me if you have any issues or questions.
