It will be a challenge indeed!

Day 2,751, 22:49 Published in Netherlands Germany by BaronVanZon

I meet NoTie112 in a coffee house, somewhere in the recently liberated Southern-Netherlands. The innkeeper is still sweeping glass when we start our conversation.

"You claim one of your goals is to bring the Netherlands back to the place in the sun it deserves, but you immediately return to reality by stating how humble our ambitions are forced to be. What is this place in the sun according to you? What are those ambitions you want follow up on, should you be elected president?"

We all can agree on the fact our country is small and relatively powerless in comparison to other nations, even more so in eRepublik than in Real Life. That does not however mean we can't be proud of our nation, nor that we can't pursue any ''ambitious'' goals. Just as we have in real life, we do have skills which can help us in having a greater position as country. We excel as country in real life in a supporting role and I don't see why we can't do the same in this game. Our ''place in the sun'' would be in a position where we are a respected and honourable nation part of a greater international cooperation/community, which we currently severely lack - evident by the ease at which Germany rejected our neutrality and even our friendship towards them.

"You claim you aspire to be the president of the whole of the eNetherlands, despite the strong bipartisanship we currently are suffering under. How will you try to achieve this? After all, the bickering voices you reprimand in your political pamphlet will still be present, no matter who is elected as president."

It will be a challenge indeed. I however believe I have proven to be a rational guy who believes in meritocracy and compromises. I have worked with literally all individuals and political parties in the past, ranging from GPN to I&W. I also believe that this combined with the fact I have a long political career behind me (with less pressure of having my name known of making a point) will help me in posing as a respectable person capable of building bridges between the current ''factions'' in the eNetherlands.

Really I think it just boils down to mere misconception between the two factions, in addition to party politics. In the end we want the same collective goal, namely a stronger eNetherlands. It takes a good president to be above that and translate the individual love for our country in a collective effort.

"How do you see our future foreign affairs policies? Which alliances should we pursue, in your opinion? Why?"

I think it's not fitting of our position to demand/claim we are going to join this or that alliance. I believe we need to continue the current foreign policies we have, which is based on leaning on ancient and perpetual allies, like the UK & USA. In addition to that, however, we DO need to dabble the waters of other countries and alliances to ensure we'll gradually improve our international position. No reckless changes of courses, but just gradual changes to the left or right. Researching the possibilities of Nebula, for example, is perfectly fine with that line of thought, but it's not a given it will result in a radical change of course in which we'll suddenly erase every former efforts we have taken on Foreign Affairs.

"You served ad Prime Minister, which is valuable experience, I'm sure. Should you be elected as president, what would you do the same? What would you do different?"

The function of Prime Minister is actually just an in-game title. My actual position was Vice President, in which I kept an eye on the actual decisions being taken and giving advice when needed. In general I think the intentions and goals of the current government were honest and good. However, I'd put even more stress on staying in touch with the opposition and the general public, ensuring no controversies or drama's arise. That's really one of the main pillars the success of a government is based on - it's perception and confidence.

Thank you for this interview.


Baron Van Zon
Your Chief editor.