Introducing the Writer

Day 2,619, 11:57 Published in Ireland Ireland by Tara C
My second article is about me, the writer.
It won't be as interesting as my first, but I'll give it a go.

Hello, I am Tara.
I'm from the West of Ireland, and I'm 20. My real life birthday is in July, so my horoscope is Cancer. I tend to get a bit of amusement out of reading my horoscope every now and then.
I'm a lesbian, I just wanted to point that out now. Hopefully the same sex marriage referendum will be brought in with a high yes vote! I hope you all think the same too.
I am working, but I will hopefully be going to college in a few years, saving my money for it first(If I don't spend it all first). I work in a factory, day shift, which is okay, it's friendly.

I joined here not that long ago, in eMalaysia, with a certain person 😘
Then only very recently finally moved to eIreland. I'm new and still getting used to this site, but it seems fun! I'm friendly so hopefully you'll all take the chance to get to know me, and we can chat!

I think I've said enough now, so if you do want to know more, ask away! I'll hopefully be writing at least one article a week! I may up that, but we'll see what my head can come up with! Feedback would be appreciated! Please comment.

P.S. I hope you all like my newspaper logo! It was made with MS Paint, so it's not too fancy or anything.