Interviu cu Moredan Kantose- Presedintele Rusiei

Day 691, 11:08 Published in Romania Romania by 8-3=1

Presedintele Rusiei, Moredan Kantose, a avut amabilitatea sa ne acorde un interviu si sa discute despre eRepublik, Rusia, Romania si alte subiecte de interes general. Pentru claritate, am lasat intrebarile si raspunsurile in engleza:

“- Do you think eRepublik is all about winning?”
Moredan Kantose: No, because it has no clear end, but also because the societal aspects of eRep are at least as interesting as the military ones.

“- Do you agree the theory that the game cannot be won? Or do you think one nation could eventually win the game?”
Moredan Kantose: I completely agree with that theory, using the current war modules. There *should* be a way to change the nationality of a region through conquer, but there is none.

“- Please define in a short sentence the spirit of eRepublik history sofar.”
Moredan Kantose: Stable alliances grow to the maximum but suffer crisis.

“- How does it feel to be the President of Russia? “
Moredan Kantose: Extremely hard, in this case. At the beginning I was at the limit of my physical forces. Now I am more recovered.

“- For how long do you intend to be president of Russia? Have you already decided to run for next elections?”
Moredan Kantose: The initial decision was not to run, because I gave my word to support HankScorpio in exchange of his support this time. But he does not want anymore. I will see if I can do it, and if I am needed. I would be happy to end a good single term and support a worthy candidate.

“- What do you think is the biggest advantage of Russia in eRepublik? What do you think is the biggest disadvantage and how do you intend to mitigate?”
Moredan Kantose: They are both the same - the huge number of neighbors make our policy flexible and dangerous at the same time.

“- Please tell us some more words about the First Lady (DarkL)”
Moredan Kantose: We know each other from the real life, and I really appreciate her. She helps me very discreetly. One of her famous aphorisms can change my mood for a long time.

“- Please tell us more about the PanSlavic Alliance. Is this project feasible?”
Moredan Kantose: The Slavic Union will only be available if it does not try, from the beginning, to be panslavic. And, yes, it is, if not it would not be part of my presidential program.

“- What do you think is the biggest advantage of Romania in eRepublik?”
Moredan Kantose: The experience and ruthlessness of its population.

“What do you think is the biggest disadvantage?”
Moredan Kantose: The accusations of partiality from the administrators transform it in an interesting target for people looking to test the limits of the game.

“- Do you intend to help mitigate the disadvantages or exploit them?”
Moredan Kantose: This depends on the behavior of eRomania. Right now they ignored my suggestions, which is sad.

“- What do you think about relations between Romania and Russia? Do you see any way for them to be improved? “
Moredan Kantose: Yes, I wrote suggestions and if Romania follows them, they will improve.

“- Communism or capitalism? Which one is better?”
Moredan Kantose: I am unsure about this. I tend to prefer capitalism, but eRep is not the real life and communism could, arguably, been a better solution.

“- An alliance of equals or quick decision? Which one is better?”
Moredan Kantose: You can combine both with a rotating directory of representatives.

“- Attack or defend? Which one is better?”
Moredan Kantose: Depends on the value of the hospitals and defenses of the regions compared with the state income, but in general, never attack without a moral justification.

“- Diplomacy or war? Which one is better?”
Moredan Kantose: Just war, then diplomacy, then unjust war.

“- Betray your friends or save your people? Which one is better?”
Moredan Kantose: This is a very strange question for an eRussian. Of course, save my people.