interview with tef1 by tef1

Day 5,408, 15:00 Published in Switzerland Switzerland by tef1

Dear Patriots,

Hey there, do I have a treat for you tonight? I am tef1 and I will be conducting interview of my self.

Tef1: why are you so awesome tef1?
tef1: well I am you that is why.

Tef1: Are you running for CP?
tef1: My only goal is to successfully limit the damages of the failed establishment. what I wont do is run for CP to give it a fake implication we are a multi candidate, multi party and multi ideology eLand. sadly we are not there yet.

Tef1: How about Congress?
tef1: We have a clear chance on victory but that means nothing if like minded candidates failed to show the failed establishment their distaste. Finger crossed.

Tef1: Are you waging a dictatorship/
tef1: The only ones talking about dictatorship are the dictators but if I believe the only way to restore democracy is for me to be a dictator for few days and bring about peace and democracy, I will entertain that. Honestly, we need TNS members to spoil us with the $100 to have sufficient funds

Tef1: What do you think about Chris Jonadicus?
tef1: clearly he left because he refused to keep kissing the ring of the failed establishment but lets be honest he has also refused to kiss the ring of the flourishing resistance movement so good riddance he left. Be sure if the failed establishment gave him a second chance he will take it.

Tef1: Are you going to be a moderate force in the future to capture the hearts of the middle of the road peeps?

tef1: A famous eAmerican from the real world once said "I would remind you that extremism in the defense of liberty is no vice! And let me remind you also that moderation in the pursuit of justice is no virtue!” I agree with him.

Tef1: would you serve in the administration of a failed establishment dictator?
tef1: I am prepared to help our eLand in any way I can except zipping it while i observe the end of democracy. That said if the failed establishment is only hoping to use me as a puppet to give the appearance of unity for the sake of it while ending democracy then I want no part of it.

Tef1: will you ever forgive the failed establishment?
tef1: An apology and course correction must occur first before such a thing is a possibility.

