Interview with Suriat, by Per Jostein

Day 1,780, 13:34 Published in Norway Norway by Norwegian Consulate

Hello, Suriat, please present yourself to Norwegian people, considering that they probably don't know much about you.

Hello! Im an old player of eBrazil, RL brozilian, and almost done everything in eBrazil politics (former MoFA, MD several times and Vice-President one time), in army (Former General – highest office in the eBR army hierarchy) and off the army (Founder of the TOP Brazilian militia – TROLLS) .

What is the origin of your nick?

I don’t know, Im not the original owner of this account, but seems like the nick are related with aliens and stuffs like that.

For how long are you in Poland and why?

About 2 months. Im here exactly to approximate the Brazilian and Polish communities.

Do you speak Polish?

Unfortunately not. Only key words and google translator FTW!

Have you spent a lot of money on this game?

Yes, in past years. Today Im have to win BH medals to pay my trainning.

How do you rate the actual Brazilian government?

It’s a good one. The last government of Vigon (August/2012) I don’t like in the international relations, cause in my view was a lack of diplomacy with our allies and friends in a key moment that Brazil is living. But, in this term, Vigon made our diplomacy get back on track.
In all the others areas the Brazilian gov is acting very well. Vigon is an experienced player and knows how to lead a government.

Do you think CTRL is a good alliance? why?

Yes, cause we are not focus only in Balkans. In all my 3 years in game, I fought more for each Balkans countries than for Brozil or any other country in the world. And in the next week, the region that we almost kill ourselves to conquer was lost again… So, it was boring do that…

What is your opinion about the trading embargo to Portugal? Was it really necessary?

Nop. Im pretty sure that was only a diplomatic move cause Portuguese players are every day trolling in eBrazilian media since we signed the MPP with Spain. That was only an answer of angry Brazilians about that troll.

What do you think about Asgard alliance?
Well, I cant say much about it, but is a nice opportunity to closer the countries that are in Northern Europe.

Is CTRL going to compete against EDEN?

Yes and no. Probably CRTL will compete against EDEN AND Former ONE countries. At least, that’s what I expect. That CRTL will become the “third major” alliance, and stop that boring stuff that eRepublik was since the begging of a bipolar world.

What do you think is the best alliance to Norway: EDEN, Asgard or CTRL? And why?

CRTL. Cause it’s a new alliance, and its members are all looking for new allies and friends. So, there will be no problems in join it and being a relevant part of the alliance, also make new friends.

Could Asgard merge into CTRL?

I cant see why not. All Northern Europeans countries always was good allies and respectful enemies. I even remember that some Finnish friends fighting a lot for Brozil and we for them when I was General of Brozilian Army.

Thanks for the interview. Do you wish to let one final message to Norwegian people?

Thank you for the opportunity of share my view. To Norwegian people I remember that some eBrozilians join eNorway past year, even Mazarino became CP there, and how they were received by Norwegians made a great impression on eBrazil also.
So hopefully soon repay this reception with the famous night helps of the eBrazil.

Per Jostein
Norwegian Ambassador to Brazil