Interview with Lucifel from Portugal

Day 1,781, 13:10 Published in Norway Norway by Gameiro101

Interview with Lucifel, 4 times CP of Portugal, and candidate to a next term.

Thanks for the time to answer a few questions

1- Can you tell us a little about you?
Well i’m a regular player and a normal person just like everyone else. At least that’s how i like to see myself.

2- After 4 times being CP of Portugal, where will you find motivation to after almost one year, running to a new term?
My motivation is the same as one year ago. Portugal needed people that would step up and that would give their best to rule the nation towards prosperity and the next level. I had good people working with me, that thought like me of Portugal first and mainly, and only in themselves afterwards. We were able to achieve a lot of good things for our country. It is the same desire and will to achieve new good things to all the portuguese that i may be serving (if i win the elections). I am a citizen like all others, and the rights and duties in my opinion state that when you see your country needing people, you should do what you can to respond to it.

3- After the alliance changes Portugal stayed in the middle of 3 powerful countries (Spain, Brasil an USA) that are on the other side, do you think in the actual geo-politics Portugal can have peace?
I think that Portugal is what people call an old fashion country, and i mean this in a very positive way. Things may change, countries may change sides, but you see Portugal being faithful to its word in the good or the bad. Portugal does not have the need to hold some grudge or hate against other countries. They are making their choices as we make ours on a daily basis. For us, friendship and honor are the most precious values that a nation can have. Why should Portugal be afraid of war, if he’s fighting for his own rights and for their friends that need him? They aren’t afraid of peace and war, and it’s needed equal courage for them both since all of them have consequences and other side effects that should always be taken into consideration. However in the end... those values i mentioned in the beginning are still present, and that makes everything worth the time spent.

4- Some voices in Portugal is showing some complaint about the lack of support from EDEN and its allies, do you agree with them?
I think that some voices would say that as you mentioned, and some would say the complete opposite. In my opinion, EDEN is pact taken and followed by a group of countries that created a bond that is much bigger than borders. EDEN means that Portugal will always have their support and never will be forgotten. Portugal was never mistreated or disrespected in any way, everyone should know that choices have to be made, and sometimes Portugal is not the priority and we shouldn’t be making a big fuss about it if we had other situations where everyone fought for us. The so called “brotherhood” means to accept this as a natural consequence. That’s why every country helps the next according to the priorities.

5- Portugal save founds for an airstrike, do you think it can be a good option for Portugal to search for a “safer” region?
I refer about the airstrike option a simple idea: Our natural regions can never be taken from us. The 7 original regions are always able to recover through resistance wars or by any ally that may help us take them back by force. Creating a new and alternative path to the “safer” region is an option Portugal can have and if needed, it can be used. So far it wasn’t needed. As i mentioned, we have standards that are worth more and some type of invasion we may suffer, we are able to recover our country, we know it and i hope the others do realize this, since we are no quitters, so it’s a matter of time.

6- A group of Portuguese players are working on a project of one babyboom, do you think the Portuguese government is ready to welcome and support a babyboom?
As you mentioned, i am one of the citizens running for the presidency, i can talk about my point of view as a candidate. In my way of seeing things, i think a government should never avoid supporting such initiatives like a babyboom. We know that would be priceless to increase our population to fight greater populated countries on a whole new balanced level. So answering more precisely, if the portuguese government isn’t ready for welcoming or supporting a babyboom, then it should pick up the pace, our hospitality is world known, and those babies will love their cribb.

7- The admins did some changes on the Military and political, do you think the changes are improving the game?

The things i’ve been seeing both in military and political, are but a drop in the ocean of the ways that things can change and being improved. For the new players what i’m about to say may shock, but this game was a lot different than it is right now, there were several versions of fighting and winning battles, there was no natural enemy before and war was expensive as hell, and a single soldier that didn’t have to be the most powerful could decide a battle.
Admins should be more cunning to this. The game is supposed to be fun, motivating, and with more oppportunities and options for everyone to enjoy the game to its fullest. For achieving this, it shouldn’t be a mandatory requirement to be a gold buyer with real money, there are much greater goals to be achieved that don’t mean only some company personnal gain. About the mentioned political changes, i liked the effect of the new way of electing congressmen, things can be much more interesting, faces aren’t the major asset now, parties and confidence in their work and commitment are. I like when people achieve things due to their work, it makes it worth a “ton of gold”.

8- Last question, what do you think about the relation between Portugal and Norway?
I think their are one of the best brothers any country could have on the battlefield. They show high sense of respect for all members in EDEN, they are known for being wise and honorable. I have no doubt that for Portugal and our population there is no greater example of how things should be. If all countries followed their duties and honored their pacts like these two countries, i would bet that a lot of changes that happened worldwide wouldn’t have occurred.

Thanks for reading 🙂