Interview with Justinious McWalburgson III

Day 414, 05:51 Published in USA Greece by Jeremy Hutchinson
How did you feel when you became president of the eUSA?

I am overwhelmed, overjoyed, overexcited, and humbled all at the same time. Hopefully that makes sense. Its truly a dream come true, but at the same time it is just the begging of the work that needs to be done.

Were you worried about any of the other candidates winning?

I half expected to wake up to Uncle Sam as our president, yes.

What is your MAJOR priority to deal with?

MAJOR? That would have to be split between getting our military in top fighting condition and getting our economy running smoothly.

How will you deal with this priority?

Delegation, proper handling of duty, mutual respect and understanding between myself and all members of the Cabinet, and the openness to delv into new idea while still holding on to the shrewd lens of criticism to ensure no harm is made.

How do you feel about Uncle Sam's "pocket change" comment, about the "traitor" Aarons-Miller?

Uncle Sam is probably in the top 2% of US citizens who can afford to make such a statement. So to him is was no big deal. He only needs to realize we aren't all as fortunate.

Speaking of traitors; What is your opinion about the two "traitors", JaMat and Aarons-Miller?

It was just flat our wrong, and I hope they are brought to justice for their crimes.

What is your opinion about the Atlantis and PEACE war?

Things always need improvement, but I feel it went alright. You will see many further developments in the near future.

Will you change anything about the war? Whatever the answer, please explain.

Readiness. I feel we need a renewed sense of patriotism, and above that we need to be ready in all things.

How do you plan to strengthen the American Dollar?

The process of Strengthening the US dollar is a simple formula, but hard to act out. We have an excess of USD in the circulation which we need to remove, we technically only have 2 methods of doing that. One is to raise taxes, but no one likes high taxes. The second is to buy it off the MM, the simple fact is we do not have enough GOLD in our reserves to buy up all that USD, so an appropriate medium will need to be found. Our economic board is working on that as we speak.

What sort of state is our economy in, and how will you change it?

Our Economy gets a C+ in my opinion. We could be doing much worse, but we are not there yet. I feel by the end of this term I get safely get us to a B, and in 2 terms? If I am so lucky I'm sure with hard work we can make it to an A economy again.

Any final thoughts to your win, or anything you wish to say to the people of eUSA/anyone who ran against you?

Just, Thank you to everyone.

-Jeremy Hutchinson
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