Interview with John Locked, by caribo

Day 1,780, 06:16 Published in Norway Norway by Norwegian Consulate

A brief CV:

I started being an ambassador, an after a long time i recieved a chance to being the ambassador coordinator, the MoFA assistant, MoFA deputy, and in the last months MoFA with people who knows a lot about this.
Besides that, i was in the Congress a lot of times, 21 times, not only in my country, being also in the Comission of Citizenship.
Lastly, in the last 3 months i was designed as Minister of Inmigration, a newly created Minister, and we had to create it. Right now its an esencial Minister in the State Organization.

1º Question: What do you think about the changes in the game??
This changes are logical, from my personal view i obviously dont like it, because of the real money costs, and with that, its more important to use real money than the strategy.

2ºQuestion: Who where the people who helped you the most to progress in the game??

I have a lot of time in the game, if im not wrong, i have over 4 years since my first account. If i have to tell people who i admire and followed, they are a lot, starting with Pechorin, Pier, T, Reina Borg, FlorenciaC, Rambaldi, Silent.

3º Question: How do you see the international situation??
We are in a time of change, i like this moments a lot because its a lot of fun, where the countries decide their futures in a matter of days, weeks or months. Every country its taking it place following afinities or making new ones.

4º Question: Which advice will you give to the new players??
To enjoy the game, to dont rush trying to make big things, i was in that situation too, i made mistakes and i paid for them. Think, look for information, go slow and most importantly have fun.

5º Question: What things would you do to improve the game??
If i were a game admin, i would add more things to the political module, ingame ministers,etc. In the economic module i think we sould go back to the old division of work/worker, there was the real economic game. I dont like the military module a lot, but i remember a module used for a short time, that i dont remember it name, but it was about a map of the region and the strategical movements.

6º Question: What do you think about CTRL??

I see CTRL as an alliance with a lot of future, being a minister i cant talk a lot about that, but i believe CTRL have countries that are very active and powerful, with different time zones and looking to add other countries.

Norwegian Ambassador to Argentina