Interview with Gulitiwi, by Per Jostein

Day 1,808, 15:32 Published in Norway Norway by Norwegian Consulate

Hello, Gulitiwi, please present yourself to Norwegian people, considering that they probably don't know much about you.
- Hey 😃. My name is Rafael, I’m a 21 years old programmer and right now working in a state company. I live in Sao Paulo/SP...

What is the origin of your curious nick?
- For some odd reason when we were kids some of my friends used to call me “Guli”, and even now a few still call me like that. “Tiwi” was just something random that came up when I couldn’t register for Guli in another game in 2003.

Is duck your favorite animal? Is ice-cream your favorite food?
I love ducks, for real! Especially the yellow ones, i really don’t know why I love them, I just find them cute (as cats are).
I also love ice-cream, but not strawberry ones, I’m chocolate addict, so every candy I eat must have chocolate...

Have you ever changed your avatar?
No, and i’ll probably never change it. I use the same duck since 2004 in another game. I don’t even remember where I found it in the first place. hahaha

When have you created your military unit and why? Could you tell us a little about it? It seems to have a different concept compared to the stardard model of military unity.
- I created when it was introduced in the game, my first goal was to keep only my close friends as members, and it worked. But the game has changed and we couldn’t control who join the MU anymore, then my focus also changed.
Esquadrao Sorvete became a MU of friends of friends, our goal was never and probably will never be wars. We have 3% of Brazilian fire power, but still our members keep their minds focused in having fun, there’s no internal fights, there’s no conflicts. We are all brothers.

You was the president but still don't have the medal. Do you think that Plato should change the rule that the medal is given just to the elected president, and not to the one who assumes afterwards?
Yes it should change. It’s not fair that someone who don’t go a good job and get impeached keeps the medal, and someone that take on the power later wont get even a single note in their profile. I don’t even need a president medal, but would be nice if we had some kind of official “resumé” so everyone knows you are not lying.

Have you spent a lot of money on this game?
I probably spent less than 70 euros in the game, I never had the need to buy anything. I joined the game in a time which we could make lots of gold in just a few months.

What do you think about Asgard alliance?
Nordic countries are cool. And as a huge fan of Nordic culture all I can say is I love Asgard and their members 😛

Do you consider yourself as one of the most popular and friendly Brazilian citizen?
Maybe. I have been playing this game for over 4 years now, and you can find me or my posts everywhere in the game. I made many friends here that will never be forgotten, I still talk with a lot of old players that dont play the game anymore and we became close friends. I use the game to have fun, not to throw my anger over other players (as a few players do). This is the goal of Erepublik, a massive game which everyone should play together. Its not a single player game.

How many friends do you add per day to reach almost 8000 friends ingame?
Actually I just add a few friends per week, but I get over 10 friend requests everyday. But I usually add everyone that looks cool and I still dont have in my friendlist.

Thanks for the interview. Do you wish to let one final message to Norwegian people?
Norway is certainly one of the coolest places on Earth, and I sure want to travel over there sometime! If you ever want to talk with a random brazilian guy, just send me a message!