Interview with Gnilraps!!!

Day 4,584, 08:45 Published in Israel USA by Hillary Clinton1

Hello to all the news readers, today i finally bring an interview with one of the most popular ePlayer - Gnilraps, Gnilraps came to the game at Oct 10, 2009 and today he is lvl 1,634 holding 285,851.16 strength and online most of the time 😃
I was try to get to him and make an interview for kida long time and now i finally bring the full interview with him, before we start i also wanna share that i was try to make an interview with the admins and contact them but after they saw the questions they decide that "they cannot answer those questions" and ignore them all. I really hope you will enjoy the interview.

1. Hello to Gnilraps, an old eLegend, thank you so much for agree to make this interview with me, but before we start would you agree to introduce yourself first?

I am a middle-aged man with a fondness for people and games. If you search the archives of ClopoyaurTV, you will find some interviews with me.

2. Almost 2 years ago you have posted an article: 'Goodbye" without tell anyone why you are leaving the game, can you tell us why you decide to leave?

I was elected to a position of greater responsibility in my organization. The extra amount of time and responsibility required that I carve away some things that took time. eRepublik had to go.

3. When you have decided to return to eRepublik and why?

When I stopped playing, I donated my continued existence in this game to Easy Company and whatever damage I could provide for eUSA. But I really and truly quit PLAYING this game. Others play this game, I do their bidding. But I stopped playing. The reason you see me publishing again is because my Newspaper was needed by Easy Company. That's really all.

The reason I took an interest in finding out what was going on in eRepublik is because my life circumstances changed again and I found myself thinking about my old friends in Easy Company.

4. What is the biggest thing you have promote at the game or your biggest success?

Easy Company Military Unit is my pride and joy. When I started as CO, we were relatively small. I was able to surround myself with really REALLY good players who made Easy Company the best MU in eUSA and one of the best ones in the whole game. I am proud that I was able to identify, attract, and empower some of the best eRepublik players in eUSA, and that together we made a great team. I also used to really love my newspaper, 16 Shells.

5. How much time you play eRep everyday?

Lately I have been writing a few articles. I rebranded the Gnilraps newspaper to be an Easy Company paper called, "The Currahee". It's nice to spend a few minutes typing out some stuff for eRepublik again.

6. Why don't you want to run again and enter the politic of the eWorld?

Look. I am still alive because I can lay down damage. That's what I'm good for. I'm not still alive to play politics.

7. Do you remember the first day you sign up to eRep, can you share about first thoughts you had from first look?

My first days were played under a different name and account. I was Squintera. At that time I was very naive about online gaming. I thought I was going to outsmart everyone, so I started a second account so I could work for Squintera... cheap labor. I got both accounts banned. So when I came back as Gnilraps, I learned my lesson. I'm a one-account man.

8. There was thinking about leaving the game again after you return?

I haven't really "returned" to the game, because I didn't entirely leave the game. I've just been playing from very far away. Leaving the game would mean abandoning the eUSA. I cannot ever do that.

9. Do you think eRep have a future or we already at point of no return and the community will die very soon?

I have some important thoughts about this. If more people would appreciate this game for what it is rather than complain about what it isn't, it would remain very successful and would have a great future. This is a social strategy game, NOT a military game. The people who rage-quit have gotten over-invested in the military damage and have lost sight that what eRepublik does better than any other game I've ever seen is connect players in a social context. I hope it never dies.

10. What do you think that can be do for new players that have almost no value and cannot be strong like the older players?

Air combat is free. Political module is free. Newspaper publishing is free. Military units and other groups always need volunteers to do stuff... Again, if you come to eRepublik hoping to be a damage beast, you will be disappointed. But if you play this game to have fun with other people building castles in the sand, YOU WILL HAVE FUN.

11. Do you think the admins are doing good job by manage this game or should they do much more for the game and the community to keep it alive?

I don't know anymore. Being gone for two years is a long time. I think they've discovered a formula to "keep the lights on", so they must be doing a good job about something. Many of the people I used to play with are still here. That's worth a lot.

Thank you for asking these questions. I want to thank the good players who have kept Easy Company running after I quit. I want to thank my friend for letting me publish my newspaper again.

12. Do you think you succeed to make your mark at the eRepublik?

I used to succeed. I think I was the number 1 player in eUSA when I left in a lot of different lists. Not all of them, obviously. There are tons of lists that I never made it into the top ten on. I really and truly sucked at playing politics. And my newspaper writing was eclectic and at times good, but honestly not that great. But I was at the top of the damage lists, I was President of four or five different Parties. I started We The People party, and I got to play a lot of different roles in eUSA Government, including CP a few times. I was the only Reluctant Dictator in eUSA History. I had a good career. The work I've done for Easy Company was my best work in this game. It's nice to see it's been kept in good hands, and it's nice to see a little revival going there too. For me to be asked to write an article for Easy Company means good things must be happening there.

But perhaps the best measure of my "success" is the fact that I am answering interview questions two years after I stopped playing seriously. That's something.

In fact, thank you for seeking me out to do this. And I hope nobody else gets the idea that I'm open for interviews. I'm not.

So get off my lawn. 🙂

13. If you could change or add ANYTHING to this game tell us 1 things you were pick to change/add and why?

Bring back the old Regional Congress Election system. That was the single-greatest gaming experience I've ever known. Sniping, organizing, campaigning... it was epic.

14. Before we end, do you have any message to our readers?

If you look for me, I might be found.

Thank you so much for ur cooperation Gnilraps, thank you for accept this interview, i wish u the best of luck wherever you will go my friend.
And thank for all the readers please dont forget to comment, vote, share and if u like and want to show more support.
If u guys want to read more of my interviews just subscribe to my newspaper 😃

And always remember this: "War is done in a game, peace is made in reality"

And do not forget to continue love the Wild and love the Nature!
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