Interview with FreeGigi, by SgtoCabral

Day 1,780, 07:16 Published in Norway Norway by Norwegian Consulate

_Interview to FreeGigi, recognized eRomanian player, ex-CP Romanian (august2012)

_Hi Mr. Gigi can tell us something about you?
_Hello , i am Alex 22 years of age college student , ingame i started in april 2011 and got involved in politics straight away since thats why i started playing , not kicking hungarian ass like a lot of us . From there i was vMOD and vMOFA for 6 months in each goverment working for Romania.From there MOFA in Romania and Albania and finally last month CP , i think thats a short and brief info about me 😛.

_In the past month you were the Romanian CP. What can tell us of this great experience?
You go expecting to work your butt off , and thats what exactly you do especially on a big and capricios like Romania . A lot of 1 on 1 conversation and work from the little players to the big tanks hours of spending it in front of a pc and especially doubting yourself of every move because it was afecting parts of the community ,every action has reactions , i am pleased though i managed to have a NAP to get resources and this was seen this month the actual goverment deleted indonesia , so overall i was happy with the experience and what i did.

_You are an experienced player. in your opinion what is the better way to become a better and stronger player?
_Well i spammed a lot so i had cash to train everyday with full strenght , if you cannot afford a full training you have to try all the LEGAL opportunities this games offers spamming , buying selling guns/rocket packs or monetary market if you cant afford full training every day is a total grind i know it because i was grinding it when i was little too , so patience and hard work and you will manage slowly to train full , dont be demoralized if it takes 3-4 months or better to start training full

_The CP Bogdan Armand Sibrand seems have a good relationship with you. what can tell us about the work that you two make for Romania?
_BAS as he is know in Romania is a very good friend , we colaborated from my first steps in this game so when i finally decided that i was ready for CP was a natural choice for me to make him my MOFA ,and when he told me he was going for CP too , it was a pleasure endorsing him , and as we can all see he made a tremendous JOB , thats what 2-3 CP with the same strategy and thinking do , continuity is very very important when you rule a country.

_You're a recognized politician and journalist. What kind of condition has to have a player to be a good politician and how much time required this? On your experience as President how many hours you used per day to do a good job?
_Journalist i wish , there are better writters in the e-world who i will never compare with them, to be a good politician and a informed one so you can progress through the ranks of politics you need to be active , how much ? depends from country to country and what internal stuff they have . As president i had from 20 hours sitting on a chair to 3-4 h per day , depends on the day if the country has battles but its exhausting to stay on a chair that much for a month.

_2 weeks ago Romania sent an Airstrike over Malaysia, and today you have a clearly domain in the south pacific , Is this a new begining for Romania? Or just is temporary for grow up with the bonus?
_All the countries want bonuses or atleast citizien , in romania we have people wanting fun tired of the SGP - Crisana ping pong so this move was fun > bonuses , how the bonuses are placed and the alliances Romania has , Romania will never have 100/100 in Europe so people wanted fun and they got it and some decent bonuses , win win situation.

_Considering the current position of Romania on the map, in the near future would approach to South America?
_It really depends on who is coming as president if i would have the reigns again i would have shifted my attention to mexico-colombia either help them max via mpp or speak to columbia to loose the region that philipines has border and from there a lot of diplomacy to make philipines and colombia go after mexico , but primarily for every president that will come is to make sure romania stays there , good position a lot of viabile choices.

_Today it seems like a Visa players really make it a great difference, but many resist that idea. so what you think? is really necessary buy gold or the patience is the key?
_Visa players are a part of the game because the game wants so and from them the games manages to keep this game alive , i dont blame the people who buy or the administrators for that , the problem lies in the multitude of battles and how the players with gold bought or made can influence a campaign and from that the frustration of players who can or save one month for a ch . And because of that we have soooo many mercenaries just trying to get some gold or weapons and not giving a damn where and for who they hit.
But as you say in your question patience is the key , no point in moaning , grind it out !

_In a near future which countries you think that can turn in a important potencies? And why?
_Albania, Mexico have a lot of d1-d2-d3 players the natural progression they will end in div4 but the problem is making them stay in the game chile and argentina baby-booms already had their rewards so i think from this two countries we can expect a larger influence in the future

_Finally, there is some achievement or target you have not achieved in the game? if any. you'd be able to do to achieve it?
_My target in this game is help my friends i have made , and make new friends that i can do things that i never imagined . Social segment in this game is way better then the game itself for me.

_Thank so much Alex! regards

Norwegian Ambassador to Romania