International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination 21 March

Day 3,774, 03:14 Published in Austria Austria by capoqwer
International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination 21 March

Today, March 21, 2018, we are remembering the importance of the Fight for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination.

This date was set by the United Nations in memory of the massacre that occurred on March 21, 1960, in Johannesburg, South Africa.

After 20,000 people protested against the Pass Law, which forced the black population to carry a card that contained the places where it was allowed to circulate. But even though it was a peaceful demonstration, apartheid police opened fire on the unarmed crowd resulting in 69 dead and 186 wounded.

With this article, we invite you to not only reflect on racial discrimination, but also social, politics and gender.

In the World, as much as we do not want it to happen, we sometimes involuntarily realize that boring Real Life attitudes are inserted by other citizens into the game.

Discrimination is something difficult to prove and punish ingame. But the best attitude to avoid discrimination of any kind is to provoke reflection.

Today, on March 21st, not only our government, but dozens of governments from the World are publishing articles in their language to remind their population about the importance of not allowing discrimination of any kind in the world, and especially on Real Live.

A world without discrimination is a world with social justice!
