Indian Position - An overview

Day 2,418, 08:26 Published in India Croatia by Vijayakrishna
Do your job; do not think of the result for it is not in your hands to decide the result.

What you own today was owned by others yesterday, will go to some others tomorrow, what have you bought with you into this world to grieve that you have lost it, whatever you have today is earned here, will be lost here
– Bhagavath Geetha, philosophically expressed Law of conservation of mass.

I would like to tell you, a story, a story of a country and its citizens.

we had a country full of life, where people were happy with what they had. Then a great empire rose to power on north of the nation which targeted it neighbour and removed it from Map.

People fought against the oppression, they were not strong but their determination was unmatchable. Everyone united and the community prospered.

As time progressed The Mighty Empire from North fell, the country regained its land and conquered a few. Then an evil man who controlled the entire world, made changes which effectively killed the nation’s citizens.

As many departed, the country invited a friend for a visit, who came, saw and occupied.

Help came from all corners of the world against the imperialist. Alas! Who would think a country once lively with debates, great thoughts; friendly people will fall into self-centred world?

People became more and more egotistic (not egoistic). It does not mean they do not help others, they do but others must think like them for these people to accept them as good.

This gave rise to factions, which act independently. Sure all are patriotic; they were just more in love with themselves.

In a recent war in WB, while the energetic kids were fighting hard, some chose to fight and earn laurels elsewhere. It is widely considered as height of their patriotic feelings.

Seeing this entire world started to toy with the country. If there were games, two countries would invite the country to participate, the rest, would ridicule the idea and make the country sit and watch while others play.
The two countries developed brotherly feeling with the country and would respond kindly to the needs of the country but no matter how much you water, a tree whose roots are shallow would never stand the test of time.

Soon, a new self-proclaimed liberator taking advantage of a gift from creator entered the country and drove off old oppressing friend. *The Liberator* promised great things, freedom, self-governance, what not, a mini heaven on earth.

What turned out to be quite opposite though, the liberator has suddenly remember he had friends who could become homeless.

He bought them here and they now put conditions on which cloths the country men shall wear, what they eat, who they talk to and what they understand from the things they see.

One of the friends, Canada has turned friendlier and offered rent for occupying the countries land, even support for resistance was offered and the country men accepted it gleefully.

Other friends had different plans on mind.
Uruguay which promised the country a region for congress but started giving it trouble to push country into talks with them, the issue will hopefully be settled. Uruguay did show an unexpected good gesture of donating gold to the country's treasury for loss of Congress it promised.

Iran, Peru (and Israels) MOFA started to open up when the country started resisting Iran's stay with a proposal to take it into their alliance. It sounded more of a namesake effort rather than a real try to maintain positive relations. Sure, peace without mutual respect, can not stand long and the respect should not be only of words but also be in actions.

The treaty which was *imposed* on to the country by The Liberator talks of freedom and growth for India. On one hand they say they treat the country as equals, on the other hand they put restrictions on the activities of the country. May God bless their sense of justice.

What shall the country do now? Stand with it brothers and wait for them to get it into their alliance, while it reorganizes itself or another try it's luck with another alliance while still being true to the brotherhood?

The human heart which values the relations, self-respect and freedom is now suffering to decide. No matter which way it goes, it shall be faithful to the old friends who helped in times of need.

Time shall answer us all.

Should have put this at the start
some might not hold same view as I. Lysander Spooner II did a wonderful job in this delicate situation, he put a lot of hard work which did not see light to bring deals with different counties during his term. His diplomacy is truly an asset for India. Thank you Lysander