Independent Labour Party

Day 1,178, 12:09 Published in Ireland Ireland by The Irish William Wallace

Hello all, I am MikeBane, the potential leader for the Irish Workers Party. As I mentioned in one of my past articles, I seek to transform the Irish Workers Party into the Independent Labour Party. I am going to take time to discuss the reasons why.

PROLOGUE: I.W.P. started out as the National Socialist Irish Workers Party (N.S.I.W.P.) and had about 3-4 members. Many non-members thought of this party as representing the RL National Socialist German Workers Party (Nazi Party), however this was not the case. The N.S.I.W.P. was made to install a National Socialist government, as in socialism for the people of eIreland; the government would provide the necessities for the people while the workers maintained the production and distribution of wealth. The N.S.I.W.P. was NOT a party that supported in anyway, Nazi ideology. I suggested to Shadowking to change the name to the Irish Workers Party, something general and a left-wing stance. This got us a few more members, up to 10 now, because the name ceased to scare away potential members. Shadowking did pretty well for a young Party President, however, lately he has been busy with RL and so I have decided to take the mantle.

WHY?: Because the Independent Labour Party fits my own political ideology. I am a leftist, a socialist, but I do have middle-ground on some issues and thus makes me independent. My aim is to make the Independent Labour Party into a prominent political party in eIreland, not some minority party like we are right now.

GOALS?: Some goals of mine will be stated below...
1. Recruit over 10 more members within the next month.
2. Establish a close bond to the SoE, as I support them much of the time.
3. Change the Irish Workers Party into the Independent Labour Party.
4. Get five members into congress.
5. Get a forum set up.

Running for country presidency is not a top priority, we will not cast our votes away on someone who isn't going to win. We have to support the major left-wing party until we are large enough or strong enough. ALSO I want to address that this is NOT a revival of the Labour Party, I would never seek to touch something as old and sacred. It is not my place to revive such a party. I hope the Independent Labour Party will have its own mark in eIrish history and not be thought of as a rip-off of Labour. Thank you for reading!

I am MikeBane, the future Party President of the Independent Labour Party. I hope to win these PP elections coming up and making these changes happen. To leftist prosperity!
(votes & subscriptions are nice, but not needed, feel free)
From your equal,