ILP PP Election...what do the Candidates stand for

Day 1,453, 17:01 Published in Ireland Ireland by Winston Hope Smith

I messaged them to ask

Patrick O'Leary
"I will institute a party newspaper that will increase traffic to our page. Being the number one party, we will already get new citizens coming to our party page, and a newspaper will just increase that.

I will also continue Ross's emissary program, as it is an awesome idea"

Ruler of Me
"To be party president would be a great honour. I have experience of all elements needed. Military I have great knowledge of fighting and tactics and stratagies.
In politics I have knowledge from friends. I have not run for congress or party president before but I am finally confident enough to do well and to keep eIreland on track. I have plans to make eIreland a wealthier place aswell. With my companies and with the eIreland Fund. I should hope to make weapons and food cheaper. Thanks and I hope the best"

Kurdt Fradenburg
"first im planning to improve party members activity and cohesivness
with good organisation new members will join
continuing Ross' work with other left wing parties around the world and forming an internationale ,new kind,not like 5 other that already exist
and higher goal is to run a CP candidate from our party that will have support from one or two other irish parties"

Viktor Kurgan
"I nominate myself only to entertain myself not to run for a position...
On last PP election i was runnig in Paraig's party just to play with his mind and to piss him off....Success....
But i respect ILP too much to play in such a way, so i will redraw my nomination before actual election.
but you could add that my redraw was a hard blow for a women within ILP.
And don't forget to add mass protests and cries amoung ILP women for me not being nominated for real.

mindi29 was not running at the time of writing but I have message them now and will add if they reply

I hope party members find this useful