I AM BACK !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Day 1,985, 06:39 Published in Pakistan Pakistan by Abuzar Aslam5
Asalam O ALaikum

First of all I want to thanks to all of my friends Who support me in all condition whether I am wrong or right.
And when I decide to quit the game they try hard to change my decision and try to convince me to come back.I really thankful to Faris, Pak786, Zeeshe100,Scorpion King and Shin Ghuki to show their kind support for me and talk with me.I talk on this topic with many friends especially with pak786 and faris and more important which play an important role in my come back is my 4 to 5 meetings with scorpion king and finally I decide to come back in this game and start my work from today officially.

I come back for Pakistan and my fellows friends...

From now I want to start a new session by forgetting every thing and I accept the apology of every one and from now I don’t have any objection from every one and if any one feel bad due to me I said sorry to them and I aspect that they forgive me.

From now IA we work for Pakistan and make Pakistan Strong by Uniting Pakistan..!!!

At the end i must say!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I am Back fun is going to be began..............!!!!
This time IA there will be double fun and enjoyment.!!!!!!

Pride Power Pakistan
Pakistan Zindabad