Huey George for CP - Manifesto

Day 5,858, 12:42 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Huey George

A reminder of my vision for the end of year term

My vision for December for the UK is rooted in the recognition and celebration of our strengths.

Together, we have achieved a great deal, and I am determined to preserve and enhance these achievements. The focus of my term will be on collaboration, working with each of you to identify areas where we can improve and innovate.

Player Engagement with our community

I will look to continue to foster an active and engaged community to support player retention. As it remains one of the key to a successful UK. By encouraging and maintaining an active player base, we can achieve our long-term strategic objectives.

In Erepublik, the success of any country hinges on the majority of its citizens optimising their Military Rank and Aircraft Rank while working in coordination and harmony. Given the game's development, this has become of utmost importance.

Active participation in training wars and taking advantage of player support schemes can greatly enhance citizens' gaming experience and maximise their potential within the game. A higher Military Rank directly translates to increased damage output in battles, allowing citizens to effectively represent their country and contribute to its overall success. Similarly, optimising one's Aircraft Rank can make individuals a more formidable force in air battles, significantly bolstering the UK's air power. It can also reduce any resentment others hold against our players who are most optimal at doing this.

One challenge in Erepublik is the gap between new players and experienced ones with higher Military Rank and Aircraft Rank. It is crucial we continue to provide support and encouragement to new players, helping them grow their ranks and remain engaged in the game, despite any initial disadvantages they may face. Our Air Cadet programme is one programme already in place which does this.

With all efforts with new players we must not forget this is a game “new player contracts or heavy reliance on out of date, unvalidated or flawed advice or guidance should be avoided”. We must recognise that new players will want to develop their own play styles and feel included into our community and feel able to shape our community alongside more experienced players not be expected to assimilate / integrate potentially dated preconceptions of play strategies.

My government will continue to offer “on-demand” advice, strategies, and assistance to help new and current players navigate the complexities of the game more effectively. We will review the latest guidance on military and aircraft rank strategies, resource management, economic development, and overall game progression. By doing so, we aim to create a nurturing environment that fosters growth and ensures a rewarding experience for all players however potentially most useful to our newer players.

Let's come together as a community and continue to do great things together

Governance from Government

My Government will continue to manage and where possible grow our training wars for the UK. These will be administered to the highest of standards required of our citizens and partners. It goes without saying that these will be under constant review with a mind to the geopolitics of the world.

In addition, we will continue to support the Christmas Air Programme, Air Cadet Programme, British Armed Forces Q7 Weapon Rewards Scheme and National Giveaways, which enable our citizens to participate more actively in weekly challenges and events.

The provision of UK Epic training wars will continue when possible and it’s great fun to work with some of our most active citizens while communicating and coordinating with our partners to raise them. It's also satisfying to see UK players participating in the epics gaining those extra prestige points.

Raising or participating in UK epic should remain a fun and not burdensome activity as UK epics should only form a part of a rank growth oriented player's strategy alongside other epics around the world, which can be accessed to suit anyone’s play schedule around the clock.

Our tax revenue from our training war partners will continue to be returned. Our monetary market activity should continue to generate additional revenue beyond our taxable income. We should ensure our important regions for producers will remain free. Our "spare" resources will be part of concession agreements with other countries (at this time re-started with Spain, our long-standing concessions partner when possible again).

Highlight Scotland - 200% Weapons Bonus

The United Kingdom (eUK) has a comprehensive, long-term strategy aimed at enhancing productivity in Scotland by extending invitations to and hosting a nation offering a 200% weapons bonus to the region. My Government will maintain this strategy.

This strategic initiative facilitates substantial advantages for players with holding companies in Scotland, as they stand to gain from a 200% productivity boost (excluding pollution-related effects).

The success and efficacy of this planned strategy are evident in Scotland's impressive GDP figure, which has recently reached an impressive 500k. This achievement underscores the viability and impact of the implemented scheme.

For newcomers considering the establishment of a holding company specialising in weapons production, the government strongly recommends considering Scotland as a prime location for these endeavors.

These economic activities provides the eUK vital sources of additional sources of revenue which can support existing player support scheme or be invested into new player support schemes

Government partnership with Congress

I have a long record of working in partnership with Congress, this will not change. My view is the Government should look to engage with Congress, however Congressional members should respect and trust the Government's choices and decisions on some matters even if there is disagreement especially in areas where the government is expected to shoulder the accountability or is required to make the final call for a split Congress.

I also have a long record of working in an accountable manner keeping transparency at the heart of what I do. Accountability and transparency from the Government is something I strongly value. From my perspective it’s an easier path to find fault in others and say what you feel someone else should, based on limited evidence. It is the harder path to hold yourself to account for your actions and choices, based on a thorough evidence review. I try to always take the harder path.

Congress has lost its way a little, I think mutual respect is missing between Congressional members and for the electorate from some members. We all choose our Congressional party of choice based on our own expected criteria. Some may have their own very clear idea of what a Congressional member should or shouldn’t do however you should also respect the views of those who don’t share this. A diversity of viewpoints should be a valued commodity as this reflects the diversity of playstyes we have in the UK, hopefully I can help those in Congress who’ve lost sight of this. There is no “one right way” to play this game.

Foreign and Military affairs

Our neutral and considerate strategy has served us well for a number of years. I’ll look to maintain and enhance this. We are a well-respected country and training war partner. There is a long list of countries who would very much like to visit the UK for a training war. From my perspective it is not a good idea to base future foreign affairs policy on whims or limited evidence. While our robust and respected position in the world means we can weather most storms we should make decisions together as a community where possible. My government will continue to look to offer guidance on foreign affair matters for Congressional and wider community decision making.

On Military matters those who can contribute the most in terms of damage and activity should be consulted and respected. Individual player’s resources are not under the control of the government, my Government will always offer player support schemes to allow players to optimise their rank growth and can provide supplies and combat orders freely. Respect should be offered to our strongest accounts by offering them a fair share in the decision making during times of potential conflict as defence is always an area we'll always need to work together and cooperatively in.

Good governments consult widely during times of peace and during times of potential conflict and work in mutual cooperation with those who are most able to change the course of a battle.

Final thoughts

Thank you for taking the time to read my manifesto. During my time away from the country presidency my vision for our country was the same - a friendly community where our citizens can grow and be successful, open, enabled by a government which values transparency and communication which supports individual freedom and social equality.

If elected, I will continue to prioritise player support, economic activities, and military and aircraft rank growth. I will ensure the high standards of our training wars and support schemes are maintained

Thank you for your consideration, and I look forward to continuing to serve the best interests of our citizens if elected again.

I feel like I can continue to make a real positive change for good in our community and country while ensuring we are all enjoying this game for what's it is. \o/

Thanks for reading

Huey George
Candidate for Country President
United Kingdom