How to Write a Top 5 Article

Day 2,376, 15:36 Published in USA USA by PilotPhil

When I went to bed last night my article had 17 votes, when I woke up it had over 100. This suprised me quite a bit as that is more than all my other articles combined. I got to wondering what exactly caught everyone's eye. I am sure the 50 Q0W I offered for each vote helped not at all, so it must have been something else. My first piece of advice is not to try to write a top 5 article. Instead, write something that you like or feel and maybe others will like it too. If not, who cares, you didn't want that vote anyway. You will get 'em next time champ. Second, find a local happy hour and have a few, it lubricates the brain.

There are lots of ways to go about it...

Be a Rabble Rouser - Jude Conners

Be a Sage - Phoenix Quinn

Make people money - 11austin

Be funny - Captain Recks

But in any case have something to say.

I have learned a few things over the last 24 hours. Rail on about whatever pisses you off or makes you happy. State your opinion, tell the truth and remember that you are going to be held accountable for whatever you say. Piss some people off if you want, but do it wih facts and be ready for them to get a little grumpy about it and fire right back. That debate is what makes this whole thing fun.

Bitch about congress, or the ruling elite, or the pleebs, or the high/low price of weapons or whatever. Post links to stuff that you think is cool. Make fun of Canadiens by talking about beavers and maple syrup. Post pictures of hot chicks.....

... well hello Pocahontas...

Hang on, I did that hot chick photo thing with all my other articles. Well, except the first one where I had a guy lighting himself on fire...

That is the opposite of a hot chick photo I think by the way...

What then could it be? What could cause that many people to vote one article and not another? I know now, I know what really gets this community going. The major difference between my last article and all the others is simple...

SOUP!!! Everyone loves a good picture of yummy soup!

There you have it, soup photos will get you into the top 5. Fact.

By the way, elections are coming up and if you are paying too much in taxes vote for these guys... The Black Sheep
