Honolulu, The Crossroads Of War

Day 197, 11:44 Published in USA USA by Desertfalcon
Military fighters boost U.S. economy as population nears millennial mark.

Washington D.C., U.S.- What do fifteen of the thirty nations in Erepublik have in common? The answer is that they all have mutual protection pacts with the U.S. Although people may at first see this as spreading ones self too thin and sticking ones nose into other people's business there have been many pluses to this very involved foreign policy. As the population of Eamerica closes in on the 1,000 mark I will analyze the pros and cons of all these protection pacts.

Since mid march the U.S. has always had allies, They quickly became key members of both the Pan American Alliance (all South American nations plus U.S.) and the the English speaking bloc (Ireland,U.K., and the U.S.) so it appeared that they were dug in quite well defensive wise. More recently however former U.S. president Nave wrote an article expressing growing concerns about foreign powers growing too close to American borders and the need for more protection. With Norway a stones throw away from Alaska and Spain threating to take over South America he decided that the answer was finding more allies.

Ironically Nave allied with the very nations he was worried about and then some. Currently the U.S. has mpps with all the powerful non Mediterranean alliance members with military powers such as Sweden, Indonesia, Pakistan, and Norway all in their corner. These alliances would make the U.S. more secure but the legacy of all of these mpps was something unforeseen.

It all started when Germany invaded Poland or as I call it the Sausage war. The U.S. got dragged into the war via an MPP with Poland and due to the Q3 hospital in Honolulu massive amounts of soldiers flocked to Honolulu to fight for a country on the other side of the world. This hospital allowed them to recover their wellness back to forty after losing a battle which is much better then the hospitals in Poland. Immigrants kept rushing in to help defend Poland and then all of a sudden Hungary declares war on the Czech republic and sure enough the U.S. is drawn in and defenders of the Czech republic move to the EU.S.

The con however here is that people fight in the wars and then end up getting beaten up with a lower amount of wellness. If too many native Americans go and fight it could cost some productivity but it appears that this has not been the case.

This boom in population has been beneficial to the economy. Although they do not receive the highest salaries due to their low wellness these immigrants eventually have to buy food, weapons, and maybe gifts for each other. This increases the demand for American goods in their domestic marketplace and allows for business owners to sell their goods easier and to a wider range of people. Although the immigrants will likely return to their home countries after the war some from less developed countries who are able to find a good job here are likely to stay and even if this is only a short term stay they are helping to launch this economy into a boom.

On a side note I would like to address my lack of recent articles as I have had some family issues lately that needed dealing with I did not have time to pump out three articles a week. I have not quit the game and I will try to release one later this week.